Chapter 4

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A year later.

Naruto grinned at Atreus as they trained. He was faster but Atreus' strength was unmatched.

Naruto sucked and spun under a high kick from Atreus, narrowly escaping the powerful attack.

Atreus was ready though and brought his foot down to catch his balance, then threw a punch that Naruto had to roll away from to actually dodge.

Naruto and Atreus had been trained by random anbu, since the academy had been so biased against Naruto and they wanted Atreus to become powerful enough to start his own clan.

Under the tutelage of the anbu, both boys thrived. Naruto took up humming bird style taijutsu, relying heavily on quick bursts of speed to catch his opponents off guard. Atreus learned a style similar to iron fist, preferring to balance his strength and speed.

As far as jutsu they both only knew the academy three because the anbu wanted them to have a more thorough understanding of those jutsu, though Naruto could only do the regular clone jutsu after exhausting himself. Atreus had an inept gift with chakra manipulation, due to his training with his god powers, though his real gifts were his runes.

He had every tune memorized from his time with his father and figured out how to carve them into weapons and armor for powerful abilities. His necklace was his first successful attempt and it let him use a temporal shift, slowing down time and stretching a single second into seven. He could use that power once every sixty seconds because of the way it drew power in.

The necklace was a small gold coin tied to a brown leather cord with a triangle carved into one side and a rune in the middle and on the back.

Naruto saw the misstep in Atreus' footwork and tried to jump in, only for Atreus to tap the necklace and vanish, Naruto felt a heavy kick on his butt that sent him stumbling across the dirt and jumped up. "No fair!"

Atreus grinned in response. "Sorry Naruto, it was a knee jerk reaction. No more runes."

Naruto then charged again, feigning a punch and then going for a spinning kick that knocked Atreus down after he tried to block the fake punch.

Atreus sat up and propped his arms up. There were lots of ways he could beat Naruto, but he'd have to use his runes he'd carved into his weapons and armor and that would be cheating... "Alright Naruto, you win this time. Help me up?" Naruto grabbed his hand and pulled him up to his feet.

"So when are you gonna give me a runic weapon?" He asked, Atreus pulled a leather band from his pocket.

"Right now. It took forever for me to figure out how to get it to draw on chakra instead of my type of energy, but I think I've got it. This bracelet will create a magnetic barrier over your body that pushes metal weapons away from you and deflects projectiles." Atreus handed him the small leather band and as soon as Naruto put it on he tossed a knife at him, which promptly bounced off an invisible barrier. "Perfect, I was mostly sure it'd work."

"What do you mean mostly?"


"Alright class, time to begin your careers as genin. First a written test of aptitude. The tests will all be averaged together at the end, so don't worry about doing too poorly on any one test." Iruka told the class.

Atreus flopped over his paper and began writing down answers meticulously, he'd always been highly intelligent and that had transferred over to his studies in this universe as well.

He cut a glance to Naruto, who appeared to be struggling but making headway at least.


"Now for the taijutsu portion. Everyone pair up. We will evaluate your fighting skills against one another."

I wanted to pair up with Naruto but the teacher assistant, Mizuki got Naruto to pair up with Sasuke. He probably wanted the Uchiha to beat Naruto.

I scoffed at the idea, the Uchiha didn't stand a chance.

Naruto stepped into the ring with Sasuke, the young Uchiha looked at Naruto with contempt. "Loser."

Naruto smirked slightly before going tense, like a spring ready to go.

"Begin." Sasuke charged at Naruto, but at the last second Naruto sidestepped and threw his knee into Sasuke's chest, making the wind explode from his lungs and he crumpled to the ground.

They each had to fight different partners to get a full evaluation from their fights being cut short.

I stepped into the ring with Shikamaru Nara, and we used basic taijutsu to put on a bit of a show so we'd both get full marks on our evaluations.

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