Day Two

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Stem woke up in the infirmary again. This time she was dizzy, Clay stood by the entranceway, smiling shyly.
   "So." He said, "How are you feeling?" He asked.
   "Dizzy." She nearly whispered.
   "Oh! Uh. Your history class is coming to you today." He explained, "Since your here, an all."
   "Oh, okay." She responded slowly, her head pounding.
   She heard the gong, and grunted. Banana ran into the room, along with a SeaWing that she'd never met before.
   "Hi!" She yelled excitedly, "Oh, right! Stem this is Finns, Finns this is my friend Stem!" She said happily.
   "Hi Finns." Stem said in return.
   "Hi." He replied.
   "Oh! Look! Here come Webbs, Granite, Lizard, And Igloo!" Banana said, gesturing out into the hall.
   The SkyWing ran in first, sat down and giggled at something. Next was a SandWing, who walked in calmly, and sat next to the SkyWing. Then was Webbs, who just ushered Igloo to hurry up.
   "Okay." Webbs mumbled, "Time for introductions. Granite, you go first. Name, tribe, fun fact, blah, blah, blah."
   "Hmm. My name is Granite! I'm a SkyWing!" She said flashing her wings out. "My favorite color is emerald green, and my tribe complains that I'm too peppy!" She finished.
   "I'll go!" Banana said, "Hi everyone! I'm Banana, I'm a RainWing! My favorite color is bright yellow, and my best friend is bandaged on that bed!" She said pointing to Stem. Stem cringed.
   Webbs shot Stem an unfriendly glare.
   "Hello Everyone! I'm Stem the MudWing! I was raised in a cave for the first five years of my life after my parents escaped a giant HURRICANE! I know it's totally crazy, right? It's going to be SO COOL to meet everyone new!!! Sorry if I'm rambling on, and on, and on, and on, and on. I just love meeting new dragons!" She finished.
   Everyone stared at her for a few moments, and then they stopped.
   "Okay, I'm Lizard the SandWing. My favorite color is brown." He sat and stared at Stem scales. He caught himself and looked away.
   Stem gave him a shy smile in return. He seems nice. She thought, seeing him smile back. I bet we'll get along well!
   "Hi guys! I'm Finns, I'm a SeaWing, I like the color coral, so yeah!" He said quickly.
   "Uh. Right, so, uh" Igloo tried to start, "yeah uh, I'm Igloo, I'm an IceWing, my favorite color is light blue."
   "Well that wasn't awkward." Granite mumbled.
   "Yeah." Lizard said, "Totally."
   "Okay! Time for the lesson! You all already know who I am anyway." Webbs moaned, "we are going to talk about NightWings."
   "Umm, speaking of which. Where is the NightWing that should be in our winglet?" Banana asked.
   "We didn't have enough NightWings registered. So we have two winglets without one." He sighed.
   "Oh," Banana said.
   "Anyway, I normally wait to talk about NightWings after a few lessons, but I need to make it known, that most NightWings don't have powers. SO STOP FRIKEN FREAKING OUT AROUND THEM!"
   No one spoke. Everyone just stared at their professor, eyes wide. Lizard shook out his wings.
   "What?" Igloo finally asked, "So they were lying?"
   "Not necessarily," Webbs answered, "they only have powers when they are born under a full moon, or at least that's what I've been told." He muttered.
   "Oh wow," Stem heard someone say.
   "Class dismissed!" Webbs said.
   Everyone got up, and walked towards Stem's bed. "What happened!" Lizard asked, "Are you okay? Does it hurt? You know you're beau- I mean you know y-you look smart!" He stuttered on the last sentence.
   What? What did he just say? She thought, no I mean, we just met. Oh dang it, what am I thinking?
   "Umm, weird thing happened. Sure. Yes very much." She answered.
   What did he try to say? Was all she could think, while her new friends flooded her with a wave of questions.

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