A hidden Marsh (you'll get it)

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   Stem awoke to MidNight screaming. Frost was gone. Stem was still hidden.
   As she crawled out of her hiding spot, she heard someone, something, say "She's hiding...in the mountain. Run. Fly. Crawl. Dive. Walk. Anything to get away."
   Then MidNight started speaking, in an odd voice.
   "In the mountain, lurking deep
   Crawls a dragon, white as sheep
   And hidden under, claws and ice
          Is a killer, with a price. And from Torn flesh, and broken bone
  Comes destruction, with no tone
A war of two tribes will begin
So, find the scroll of Raven"
"Was that a prophesy?" Stem asked.
"I think you already know the answer." MidNight answered.
"No I-I don't."
"But you do, and yo—"
But Stem did, it wasn't a prophesy, well not entirely. Prophesies tell the future. But there is a dragon hiding in the mountain now. A killer. An IceWing.
And just like that, she was running, flying, crawling, diving, walking. Anything to find Frost.
In the mountain, lurking deep She remembered, so she dove down every drop in the cave until she saw something. A dragon. An IceWing. Frost. Stem heard her thoughts.
Just do it Frost. It's their fault. It's their tribe! Just do it! He needs to die, Lizard wouldn't. Stem won't ever know. If I do this, she'll get over it, like with Lizard. It should be so easy, so why isn't it?!
"Because you know it's wrong." Stem announced.
STEM! How'd she find me? Okay Frost! Do it NOW!
And there was a scream. A breathtaking scream. One Stem recognized from her cave, her home.
Stem launched herself toward Frost, but when Frost looked, she left? Frost thought, Stem wondered if she were flying that high.
And she looked down and saw that she was. So she dropped on to Frost, and clawed her, but when, Frost went to claw Stem off her, she scratched at Stems talons, which were on Frost's face. Frost screamed, because she'd clawed herself.
Stem ran, she ran and flew away from Hippo. And luckily Frost followed. Stem flew to the infirmary with MidNight in it, Clay and Tsunami were there.
   "Hippo! He's four drops down the mountain! Find him, I'll take care of Frost!"
   And Stem grabbed Dirt and her things as fast as she could, found Frost, drew her attention, and left.
   She flew away from the school, until she didn't know where it was anymore. Frost was still behind her, but she kept flying. She flew for miles and miles until her bones aches in her wings. Then she kept flying.
   Finally she hid where Frost wouldn't find her, in the mud. Stem wasn't sure where she was. In the forest? Woods? A swamp? All she knew was that there was mud.
   She rested for a few minutes until she was sure Frost was gone. She grabbed some berries, her favorite berries actually. They reminded her of when she was with her parents at the cave. Only then, she wasn't running from a horrifying IceWing.
   Something rattled the trees above her. She shoved Dirt underneath her, and hid in the mud more.
   "Hello? I know there's a MudWing around here. Right? I mean you could be a hybrid, like me. But I can hear you thinking, so come out."
   So Stem got up and looked at the dragon. He looked like a MudWing. But wait he could read her mind?
   "I can read your mind too." Stem answered, "But you can read mine, you don't look like a hybrid."
   "I'm a MudWing/NightWing hybrid, what are you?"
   "I don't know." Stem said, then she covered herself with her wings and sobbed.
   "You don't know, just like me. I didn't know I was— a hybrid, until I was three. My parents always told me I wasn't a hybrid. But when my dad died, my powers kicked in. It took a few days though. I think I must have had a NightWing ancestor at some point. I must be genetic, I think. What's your story?"
"Well I grew up in a cave with my parents and sibs. Got my pet pig, here he is, named Dirt. Went to school at JMA. Got attacked, got attacked again, other stuff happened, and then an IceWing attacked my—friend. The IceWing did other bad stuff. Then I got her attention and left. Now she's out here somewhere. What's your name?"
"I— I'm Marsh, and you're Stem."
"Yes, I am. And my parents said I wasn't a hybrid as well. But I'm four, how old are you?"
"I just turned five. I've never met anyone like me before. Look we both have the color swirl on our left cheek."
They did, and Stem felt something pulling them together. Think about Lizard! She yelled in her head.
"Who's Lizard?" Marsh asked.
He's my friend, technically we never had an official relationship, so I am allowed to like Marsh. OH SHOOT STEM STOP THINKING! HE CAN HEAR YOU!
"You like me? Well I like you, too." He said responding to her thoughts. "Come on. I'll take you to my hut."
So she followed him home, and since they couldn't risk Frost hearing them. They communicated telepathically.
"Well, this is it." He said, gesturing towards a house made of mud.
"It's wonderful, thank you."
"You can stay as long as you want. All my sibs are dead. I only have my mother now."
"Oh, I'm sorry. What happened to them?"
"No I mean there are IceWings over there, get inside and hide. Go!"
So they ran inside and hid. Eventually the IceWings left, and nothing happened. So Marsh showed Stem around the hut.
"This is my room. And this was my little sisters room. I assume you fit, considering your size." He said with a laugh.
"It's beautiful. She liked goats?" Stem asked, admiring the mud statue of a goat.
"Yes she did."
And then they went to sleep.

Hey guys so what did you think of the chapter it's pretty long. Considering what I normally write. Anyway do you guys ship Stem and Marsh, or Stem and Lizard?

   Okay ya know what? Screw it! I'm done with this story. I'm making book 2!!!!!!

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