The contest is on!

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Since two people want to participate, the contest is officially on!
1. Only one entry per person
2. This will end on June 8th
3. Remember, this is a contest so only one person can win
4. Be nice to each other
5. DM me the entries
6. The cover has to have my username as it is my story
7. The winner will get a shoutout, credit in the description, and, well, that's it
8. Read number 6 again, if the cover doesn't have my username, it's disqualified
I will be having a contest for my other story, "Stuff I Hear At School"
So yeah, thank you all so much for reading my story, it means the world to me!
~ Meg
Edit: I just realized that you can't send pictures through wattpad DMS. My instagram is so you can dm me there, if you don't have instagram we can work something out.

The Lost Goddess (Completed but sometimes I randomly update)Where stories live. Discover now