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Hey kiddos! I'm going to be an author! Not just a Wattpad author, but a real published author! Today, my English teacher, who used to work for a publishing company, read "Elements" a short story I wrote last year, which is on Wattpad, and in class she said "Editing is important, like for our aspiring writers like (my name)." She actually said that! And she explained the whole process to the class but she mostly looked at me, and the next period she came up to me and said that she liked my story and thinks I have a future in writing! She wants to meet with me during extra help next week! I'm so happy! Being an author has always been my dream and it's going to come true! I want to thank all of you for supporting me and motivating me to write! I love you guys!

The Lost Goddess (Completed but sometimes I randomly update)Where stories live. Discover now