Perspective #1

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Perspective #1

I tentatively knocked on the door to the yearbook room. Why was I even here? Yearbook goes against everything I believe in.

I waited outside the door and almost turned around, but the door was opened by Mrs. Kindell, the yearbook instructor.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" She asked with a smile.

Mrs. Kindell is one of the strangest teachers in the school. No one can figure her out. Sometimes, she'll be so nice, then the next minute she'll be yelling at you until you want to cry. Other times, she acts like she's seventeen years old and knows everything that adults shouldn't, but only a second later, she seems like she's eighty years old.

She also looks weird. No one knows her real age. She's the type of person that can be fourteen years old, but at the same time, could be forty. 

I tried to smile back at her, but I'm pretty sure it ended up looking like a grimace. I was so nervous right now.

"I'm here to apply for yearbook," I said.

I cannot believe that I had just succumbed to the madness. I had just uttered the words that I've never wanted to hear. I silently hoped that they were full.

"Oh, okay," she said, still smiling. She went into the room and came back out with a yearbook application form in her hand.

"Fill this out and bring it back by tomorrow, okay?" she instructed.

I nodded once then began walking back to the cafeteria so I could spend the rest of my lunch period there. I walked into the cafeteria and made my way over to my four friends.

"Hi guys," I greeted and sat down in the empty seat next to one of my friends, Beth.

"Where've you been?" she asked.

"I wanted to apply for newspaper but they were full so I got a yearbook form instead," I explained, adding a very melancholy sigh in at the end.

"Well that seems fun," my other friend Shakira said quietly. Her real name wasn't Shakira, but she refused to tell us and anyone else her real name, so everyone called her Shakira because she was a good dancer. 

Not than many people had actually seen her dance.

"Fun?" I asked, appalled. "Yearbook is-" I stopped. Shakira was only trying to see the bright side, I didn't need to yell at her. "I'm sorry, I'm just- uggh!"

"I don't get the problem with yearbook either," Vee said and shrugged like she didn't have a care in the world. She probably didn't either. Vee was always getting into trouble and never thought of the consequences.

"Yeah," Ariana, my closest friend, agreed. "Yearbook does sound fun."

"Fun?" I asked appalled. "Yearbook is-"

I was cut off by a boy named Chase, who happened to be Ariana's boyfriend, sitting down in the empty seat next to her, then proceeding to suck her face off.

"You guys are so cute," Beth said, looking at the two of them, dazed.

I called that perving.

Beth is boy crazy and a hopeless romantic, so she loved Ariana and Chase's story. Yeah, it was cute, and yeah, I had helped a tiny bit in getting them together, but that didn't mean that I would tolerate excessive amounts of PDA.

 "Get a room," I said, making sure they heard. They reluctantly let go of each other, Ariana looking a little red while Chase looked like a little kid in a candy shop.

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