Guardians of the Video Game - Patch

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This was written on May 22 2018, Guardians of the Video Game was currently on chapter 154 "The Definition of Idiot (Part 3)" so this likely messes with the current story that you have read.

This was requested by @shyredstone  hope you like it!

I placed the flowers gently around the photo of Patch and me, I still can't believe he's dead...

"(Y/N)!" A voice called me from outside my room. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror before heading downstairs.

"You know," I said as I came closer to the voice from earlier, "I was only in the hospital for a week. I can move back into my own house Cheat."

"Still, so much happened in that week," Cheat started as we headed to his car, "the doctors thought you were dead, then Patch screwed up at Hungry Bird, got fired, then died at a bar fight."

I let out a small sigh, he really didn't have to re-tell the story every time. The car ride to the mobile department was like usual, talk about everything now because I will likely not see Cheat for the rest of the day.

"Bye Cheat!" I called out as I headed towards Mystical Messenger, I'm apart of the otome games area, have been my entire life. Patch never liked that though, a lot of the actors would hit on me, thus starting a fight between them and Patch.

"Hey (Y/N), can you come here for a second?" One of the younger guardians asked, "I think we have a problem." And with that, I ended up dressing like one of the actors and having to 'fall in love' with the main characters.

At least the end of the day came relatively quickly, I could talk to Cheat about the actor missing. The only thing is, I can't find Cheat. "Do you know where Cheat is?" I ask another random guardian. "I haven't seen him." He responded, just like the rest did.

"(Y/N)!" One of the girls from the otome game area called out to me. I turned around to the the girl badly out of breath. "I'm... giving you... a ride... Cheat... is... busy..." she tried to say as she caught her breath. I smiled and told her that it was fine, I didn't need a ride.

Cheat has been very unusual recently, so I went to the parking lot and hid in the back of his car. Like any normal person would do. Just as I thought, it didn't take him long to get in the car and drive off, without knowing I was in the back.

The ride took barely any time, however it felt like forever. I had a constant fear of being found, even though it was only Cheat. Even staying in the car for an extra ten minutes after he left, my arm was definitely asleep due to the way I was lying.

A bar? Cheat was at an old bar? Geez this place is run down, a fight already broke loose. Cheat wasn't really easy to see, he may have gone-

"IS PATCH DOING FREAKING FINE THERE?!!" A tall, realistic looking guardian shouted to the guy he was beating up.

What was he talking about? Some sort of department? I rushed around the backseat, scrambling to put on my outfit from earlier today. Placing on my wig, I looked exactly like the actor from the otome game, perfect!

I silently opened the door, making my way over to the run down ba- *BOOM* okay what the heck was that?!! Looking around, the man who was talking about Patch was lying on the floor, flipped by some blue haired guy. Right in front of them, was Cheat.

"Just water please." I ask the bar tender as I listen in on Cheats conversation. They didn't seem to be talking about anything important, the blue haired guy nearly blew Cheat's cover.

"Is he still the same in the classic game department?" Cheat asked. I felt my trust being broken, I couldn't tell if I was happy that Patch was alive, or angry for being lied to. Either way, I was going to follow the blue haired person.

It took quite some time for them to be done talking, each minute new information about Patch was revealed. After they were done talking, I asked Publi (which is the name of the blue haired guy) to explain to me everything, he was very trusting and told me everything. Publi even offered for me to come with him, so here I am, planning a soccer game between two rival cities.

"Hey (Y/N)" Publi said as he tapped my shoulder. "Ya?" I smiled as I turned around. However my focus was no longer on Publi, right over his head I could see red hair, Patches red hair.

I could feel my blood run cold, the air whipping past me as I ran at full pace. Patch was facing away from me, but that didn't stop me from embracing him from behind. I could feel him stiffen, I couldn't blame him, he probably thought I was a stranger.

"HEY! Get off of me!" Patch yelled. Completely ignoring him, I let tears flow freely. I could feel him turning his body around, I let out a very mumbled and shaky voice, "I missed you."

Patch stopped moving, "(Y/N)?" He said, slightly above a whisper. "Patch!" I smiled as I looked up, loosening my grip so he could turn and face me. His face was of udder disbelief, soon even a rare smile graced his features.

He embraced me back, standing here and hugging each other like if we were to let go, the other would disappear. I could hear him mumbling to himself, my name a couple times, things about being happy, but the only one to throw me off guard was "you're alive!"

I pulled back from the hug, "Of course I'm alive! I thought you had died!" I say as he cupped my reddish check. "Why would you think that?" He asked suddenly serious. I buried my face into his chest as I mumbled, "Cheat..." but Patch just gripped onto me harder, letting us just stand here, enjoying each other's presence.

"Come on," Patch said as he pulled away, gripping my hand and leading me somewhere else, "Publi you're in charge!" He quickly yelled back.

We walked into the nearby forest, explaining our sides of the story to one another, piecing everything together. I hadn't realized it but the entire time we were holding hands. "...and so I followed Publi here, and you know the rest." I explained.

Patch suddenly stopped, making me abruptly bump into him. "Geez, warn me next time." I smiled. Patch just turned around and looked at me, I was so enticed that I barely noticed his hand crawling into my hair. Our faces inching closer as our eyelids fell.

The kiss was not what I expected of Patch. It was soft and delicate, almost as if I was made of glass and any harder would result in me shattering. We pulled away, much to my disappointment, however it didn't last long. His other hand which wasn't in my hair, snaked around my waist, roughly pulling me closer and re connecting our warm lips.

This kiss was more of what I expected, It was hungry and needy. I guess he wanted to make our first kiss soft, then go all out on the second one. I let my hands roam up around his neck, pulling him closer before we parted for air.

"I think my eyes are playing tricks on me," I giggled "The always serious and demanding Patch is blushing!" That definitely caught him off guard. He seemed so confused, but like always he tried to hide it. "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Liar, you're as red as your hair." I continued to giggle.

Patch had about enough of me, picking me up over his shoulder and walking back down to the cities. "Patch, I can walk by myself." I complained. "This is what you get for laughing at me." He said evilly. "I'm allowed to laugh at you! I'm your girl-" but I caught myself, we weren't dating. I went quiet, feeling embarrassed about my assumption, I stopped struggling.

"Then, as your boyfriend, I'm allowed to carry you like this." I could tell he was smirking, but I didn't care about him making fun of me. I tried my best to hug him, it was awkward but I couldn't care less. "I love you!" I giggled, my voice getting muffled out. Patch slowly placed me back on the ground, bending down and placing a small kiss to my check, "I love you too."

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