Let's Play - Link

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This was written on March 9 2019, Let's Play was currently on chapter 71 "Ep. 67" so this likely messes with the current story that you have read.

This was requested by @AshliDinkelman and @Kaixkou hope you like it!

"Ugh! And I thought high school was bad!" I mumbled to myself as I smushed my face into my university text book.

The local cafe I was in did help me focus, but honestly it's not much better compared to my room.

"Iced cappuccino for (Y/N)" echoed across the room. But getting out of my chair seemed more of a hassle then it was worth.

Begrudgingly, standing up and making my way over to the counter, I smile at the blond who hands me my coffee. Letting out a small laugh as I look at my name. I'm a regular here so they already know my name and order. Pretty convenient.

"You look pretty tired, you sleeping okay?" The blond asks as I take a refreshing sip.

"School is working me to the bone right now. Sleep is for the weak anyways." I joke, but honestly sleeping sounds like a great idea.

"Just make sure you're taking care of yourself."

"Thanks Link." I smile as I make my way back to my seat. Time to get down to business!

Turns out, not sleeping for two days and relying on purely coffee doesn't keep you awake. After about an hour, I basically passed out. Not that I'm really complaining. Well, I guess if it weren't for the fact that I woke up four hours later.

"Hey" a quiet voice echoed through my head, as my eyes slowly opened.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled, willing myself to go back to sleep.

Strong laughter rang out, "Okay, but we're closing soon." With a pat on the head, I was back to my dream world.

Oh how nice it was in my mind. No homework, no work, the cute barista as my boyfriend, and lots of money. However a constant feeling of being watched prevented me from enjoying it.

Slightly opening my eyes, hugging the blanket around me tighter, I looked around to see where the feeling was coming from.


"Where the hell did this blanket come from?" I mumble under my breath. Voice hoarse. The fuzzy warmth wasn't unwanted though.

"Good evening sleeping beauty." Said the one other person in the cafe. The one the eyes belonged to. The main reason I came to this shop so often. Link.

"I'm not sure if beauty is the right word." I laughed, "how can my hair even get this messy from lying on a table!"

At my comment, Link's cheeks went rosy. Almost as if he was hiding something.

"Sorry about that. I must have messed it up when I put the blanket on you." He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh! Thanks by the way. For the blanket I mean." Good job (Y/N), very smooth. Still I couldn't shake the idea that he was rubbing my head. Must have been a dream.

Stretching and hearing a few pops felt so nice. Not as nice as sleeping, but still pretty good.

It was dark out already, and being polite I folded the soft material around my shoulders.

"Where would you like me to put it?" I question, holding the blanket in my arms.

"That's alright, I can take it." He reached out, taking the blanket. Our arms brushing together in the process.

Link excused himself and headed behind a door, which I'm assuming is the back room.
Dread filled my stomach, hearing a loud crash come from the same room Link entered.

Feet moving on their own, I rushed into the back room. Eyes landing on Link's figure beside a fallen box, the blanket unfolded.

"You okay?" The medical student inside me jumping to action.

"I'm alright, a box just feel. We shouldn't have stacked the that high." He brushes it off. He seemed to look fine but I kept my guard up.

Picking up the blanket again, I started folding as Link put up the fallen box. Laughing at the situation a bit, I probably shouldn't have been in the back. Link didn't seem to care though.

"Thanks for the help."

Awkward would probably be the best word to describe the following few minutes. While in my blind panic of making sure Link was alright, I (like any good cliché) had shut the door. Basically locking us in.

"Uhhhhh Link." The realization hitting me as I pulled on the handle, "you have keys right?"

"No," turning around to face me.

"I guess you could say we'll be Key-ping each other company for a bit." Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

Well I was completely ready for death to come and whisk me away, I've probably died from embarrassment by now. Hey, death isn't as bad as finals, why w-

Laughter enveloped my ears. No way was he actually laughing, but hey, there he was, making me laugh as well. It was nice to have a bit of fun with Link, after all the only real conversation I've had with him is behind a counter.

Yawning, I remembered the neatly folded blanket in my arms. Unraveling it for the third time today, I sat down on the floor.


"Ya, what about you? Or do baristas have coffee instead of blood?"

Half laughing and half yawning, Link rummaged around one of the boxes. Thanking the all mighty that their were two other blankets besides the one draped around my frame.

"Here." He said as he chucked a blanket straight at my face. Quickly taking it and floofing it under my head, working as a makeshift pillow.


The room had gotten quite, but I barely noticed due to being half unconscious. It had gotten dark, probably due to Link turning the lights off, but that didn't explain how it suddenly got really warm and cosy. Oh well it's not like I'm complaining.

Despite being on the floor all night, I'd say that it was the best sleep of my life. Only being interrupted by people talking.

"Shhh, you'll wake her."

"It's not my fault you and your girlfriend had a sleepover at the cafe."

"She's not my girlfriend... yet. Plus we got locked in."

"So you didn't decide to call?"

"You out of everyone should know how bad the service is in here. Plus you'll shut your mouth about this, unless you want the boss to find out about you and the new girl."

"Ugh, fInE."

As I half payed attention to the sound of a door shutting, I felt the cosy warm feeling leaving. Tiredly I grabbed at it and cuddled it close to my body. Turns out that feeling had a name, Link.

Freaking out hard, I quickly let go, muttering out some strong of words to form an apology.

"It's alright." he laughed, lifting the hair from over my face to place a small kiss on my forehead. "We did stay like that all night anyways."

Cupping my face, he placed one more kiss on my rosy cheek. Getting up, likely to start his job.

"Wait!" He turned around from my sudden shout. "What time do you get off?"

"Depends, probably early."

"Wanna grab something together?"

"Like a date?"

"Ya, if you want."

"Of course!" He said like a happy puppy.

He quickly made his way over to me, giving me the biggest bear hug ever. A song of laughter coming from both of us.

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