Boyfriend of the dead - N

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This was written on July 19th 2018, Boyfriend of the dead was currently on chapter 107 "Ep. 100 - BDSM" so this likely messes with the current story that you have read.

Alex is kinda OOC, sorry. Also pretend that Alex never got embarrassed about N, it makes the story easier to write as a one-shot.

This was requested by @QueenofVelaris707 hope you like it!

The zombie apocalypses started off normal, dead people eating other people. Blood was everywhere, all of my family as friends were infected but I didn't have the heart to kill them. I sat alone in my family's bakery for weeks, barricading all exits and setting escape routes. I had lost track of time, I think it was a Thursday.

Then there was a problem, a bloody problem. I felt the cramps hit, and much to my dismay I was all out of period products, how convenient... it was inevitable that I had to go outside, time to get the duck tape. Duck tapping your arms is not as easy as you'd think, but it does help with Zombies not taking a giant chunk out of your arm.

There was a convenient store not too far from the bakery, and from the dirty window of my room, it looked like there were no zombies around. It was weirdly quiet, my hands gripped my diy baseball bat with nails sticking out of it so hard that my knuckles turned white.

I almost pissed myself when I felt something graze the back of my leg. I snapped back and whipped my bat to my front. A malnutritioned dog stood in front of me, big brown eyes looking back at me as it sat down.

"Hello." I cautiously said as I walked over to the dog. I placed my hand on its head, and he instantly lit up. " I'll call you... Seven."

We continued walking, making it to the parking lot, I heard a growl not to far behind us. Without hesitation I smashed in the head of who ever was behind me, thankfully it was just a zombie. Another came running at me, then another, then another. Screw this! I booked it to the doors, the zombies catching up to me due to the stupid doors not opening.

I turned around, back against the door, waiting for the zombies to come one after the other. Seven stepped ahead, trying to protect me while I smashed every one of there heads in, even though they were dead, I strangely felt bad.

Forcing opening the doors, Seven ran in to scope out the area. It was lighted and well stocked. I stuffed my bag with "products", chips, canned food, dog food, and some other things that caught my eye. Seven still hadn't come back, so I tried to zip up my overflowing bag and find him.

I could hear a munching sound coming from a few aisles over. If this zombie had killed my dog, I would have made him wish he stayed dead. Luckily the munching noise was coming from seven, his face was buried in an open bag of dog food as a zombie was petting him. Wait... zombie! I quickly pulled out my bat as the gray haired zombie faced me. The guy sized me up, his eyes lingering on me for far too long. He smiled at me as best he could with half his face decayed away.

And that was the start of an interesting relationship.

That day was probably the luckiest in my life, and it all went down hill. Although N and I had spent roughly a month alone baking, cooking, playing with seven, and kinda flirting back and forth a bit, Alex decided that they were dating. She was pretty cool but only dated N for Instagram, she was missing out on everything he had to offer! She was just using him...

"Hey (Y/N)" a voice suddenly brought me back to reality.

"Oh, hey Claire." I partly smiled as I got to my feet, the feeling of Seven's soft fur leaving my hands. "What's up, done with the interrogation?"

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