➳ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9

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Your environment changed the moment you closed your eyes.

Instead of seeing pitch black, you saw a meadow. The long green grass danced to the wind, the leaves brushing against your legs sending a tingling sensation down your spine.

You wandered around aimlessly, but with a solid intention to find where you were.

The wind had gotten stronger, and the flower petals had started following the direction of the wind. It was as if the wind was urging you to follow it, and so you did.

The pink petals followed the wind with grace as it picked up its speed. With each moment that passed, the number of petals grew, and a weird feeling settled in your stomach.

You were close.

The grass had shortened, trees were more visible around you now. You weren't sure how long you'd been walking, but time didn't bother you now.

It didn't take long until you stumbled upon something extraordinary.

The wind was at its strongest, the petals forming an erratic hurricane in the otherwise peaceful plain. The wind only picked up the fallen petals that were scattered, nothing more. Soon, the harsh winds' ferocity ceased, and the flowers slowly fell like snow from the sky, delicate and gentle.

It was beautiful.

You squinted your eyes when you saw a figure in the middle of this beautiful mess.

You hid behind a tree and mumbled, "They must be the one controlling the wind."

You continued watching the beautiful display, but also tried not to get caught from your hiding spot. Only a soft breeze remained and the petals had returned to the ground. The mastermind did not move an inch.

Unfortunately, their back was facing your direction. You mentally cursed yourself before trying to stealthily move and get a better view of them.

As you neared them, you could make out the outline of a man around your age. Accidentally snapping a twig, his attention was now directly on you. A gasp escapes your lips.

You stutter in disbelief.

"S-Sehun? You're the-- the Second Legend?!"


You hadn't realized that you'd been tossing and turning in your sleep and accidentally fell off your bed.

"No! No no no no no, I can't wake up now!"

Scrambling to get back in your bed, you forced yourself to sleep and hoped for the best for a continuation to where you left off. Though your efforts were futile, the Unknown Guy Number #2 appeared in your mind.

"That guy wasn't lying when he said the next legend was near. He might be on my side."

You sighed and stood up. There was no way to continue your dream, but you hoped that the book could give you answers. Retrieving it from the drawer, you flipped through its pages. The scent of the musty old paper filled you with the familiar feeling of home, but you pushed it into the back of your mind. You would marvel over the amazing book smell later.

"Okay, so Sehun is obviously the Wind Legend, but on that side note..." You snorted once the idea popped in your head. "He can pass as a flower boy."

You found the page you had in mind and read the passage.

'If the Prophecy Holder and the Legend, by accident or not, form a bond and touch, they shall fall into a dream-like state. Their mind and soul will sync, and it will feel as if they have become one being.'

Each dream differs depending on who you meet. There will be scenarios that are heavily influenced by the Legends' abilities. Based on the Tree of Life, they are Frost,Telekenisis, Flight, Water, Healing, Light, Lighting, Fire, Earth, Time Control, Teleportation, and Wind.

You let out a tired sigh. "There are ten more that I haven't found yet. This will be one hard treasure hunt for me then."

There will be certain instances where you meet more than one Legend in the same day or before drifting into the same ethereal plain.

Fear not, the process will remain the same, but the linking will require more energy.

Through linking, the Prophecy Holder and Legend both consent to facing the responsibilities of their fate. They accept their duty and their destiny as Prophecy Holder and Legend.

They will then obtain their powers, along with the symbols that mark their oath.

The next passage was unreadable. The letters seemed to be fading, but it looked forced-- as if someone had rushed to erase it. You rubbed a finger on the places where the paper seemed worn from erasing, the graphite staining your skin.

You sighed wearily. "So what now? I help them with their powers?" You frowned. "I'm pretty sure there should be more to it than just that."

You scanned more pages, but none of them were very useful right now. You huffed, "What the hell, book, give me answers!"

You slam the book shut, pounding your hand on it in irritation. Unfortunately, you forgot about the bruise from yesterday. A jolt of pain erupts in your hand, as you yelp in surprise, before clutching your hand and groaning in pain.

"Why does the world hate me?"

You muttered and looked for the first-aid kit that Amber had conveniently placed in your bathroom. You worked on your bruise with ease, admitting the fact that you get yourself hurt frequently.

You always had those days when curiosity took over you. Days when meeting danger was like meeting an old friend. You weren't afraid of getting bruises and scratches all over, it was the price for feeding your curious young mind.

This was the reason why Onew gave you a journal every time you had a birthday. He said it would help you feed your curiosity, a step further in indulging what you learned and to add more. He said this would help you in the future, in moments when you itch to write something out of the ordinary.

But you were out of the ordinary.

You were now the object of curiosity.



lemonsquarez13 is now my co-author and editor of this book! ! !

The reason why this was late because she helped me edit this so I apologize for that but if we didn't edit it, it would be crappy 😂😂

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