Chapter Two

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"I'll go first Mr. Williams!" Lakyn says giving off the fakest smile possible. "Hi! I'm Lakyn Rouge, I like shopping, hanging out with friends, and helping my mom cook. My best memory would be when my dad came back from work and gave me my Toyota IQ!" she was looking all around the class with the fakest smile possible.

It continued around the class till it landed on me. I didn't say anything I just stared out the window.

"F----, would you please tell us a bit about yourself," Mr. Williams said starting at me. I ignored him and kept looking out the window.

"She doesn't like to do anything but cut herself," I heard Lakyn say and most of the class laughed.

"Lakyn that is inappropriate if I hear you make another comment like that there will be serious consequences," Mr. Williams said but I didn't really care because it is the truth. I pulled out my sketchbook and finish my drawing. For the rest of class I just drew and ignored the words everyone says.

Finally the bell rings and everyone leaps out of their seats and speed walk out the door. I slowly pack up my stuff, taking my time to leave the class. I hear footsteps coming up to me and the stop right in front of me.

"F----? Are you alright? What Lakyn said was far out of line," Mr. Williams says trying to makeup for something that doesn't need to be fixed.

"I'm fine Mr. Williams. I am quite use to it by now, but thank you for your concern," I say as I stand up with my stuff in hand. I stare walking towards the door.

"F---- if you have any problems my door is always open," Mr. Williams says sounding like every other person who fakes concern. I just ignore him and walk to my locker then to class.

The rest of the day continues like this Lakyn being a bitch, boring classes, stupid teachers, and many trips to the bathroom. But it is lunch right now and I am sitting outside in the bleachers. I am sketching the field and the people around or on it. I hear someone walking up towards me but I ignore them. I expect it to be Lakyn but instead it was someone I don't recognize.

"Hey, I'm Jasper. What's your name?" The guy, Jasper asked. I glanced over to him and he is oddly attractive. I look back at my sketchbook. I think if I should respond to him or not. I let out a sigh and turn to him.

"That is none of your concern. Now why are you talking to me?" I decide to side step the question and ask him a question of my own. He looks at me for a moment before he smiles.

"I saw you sitting up here all by yourself and thought I should say hi. I'm new so I'm trying to make friends and you looked like you could use one," after he finishes saying that he gives me a closed eye smile. I let out a groan of annoyance, now knowing he won't leave me alone.

I stand up and start walking away but of course i hear him get up and start to follow me. Ignore him and keep walking, but the sound of his feet put me on edge so I snap. I swing around and glare at him.

"Why are you following me?" I snap at him, to which he only smiles back at me. As he starts to say something I turn around and started to walk away again.

"You know it's rude to leave in the middle of someone saying something," he says jogging up besides me. I just ignore him and walk into the school I make a beeline for the bathroom next to us. I open the door and walk in and slam the door on his face.

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