Chapter Seven

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It takes me about twenty minutes to get back. I shift back behind my tree and grab my clothes I have stored there. I change and head inside. I head through the kitchen and walk into the mess hall. Everyone is sitting at the tables, chatting with each other and eating their dinner.

I walk back into the kitchen and grab a bit of food and head through the second door into the hall. I walk up the stairs and head into my room. I put my plate on my desk and go grab my homework out of my bag. I sit at my desk and start working. I start with the hardest class, calculus.

Right as I finish the last problem my door slams opens and Matthew storms in. I turn around and face him.

“Where were you?! It has been one hour and twenty five minutes since you left from the school,” Matthew asked me, anger in his eyes. I let out a  sigh and stand to look at him easier.

“I went and took a walk to the end of town. Then I saw one of my friends at the bridge and then I left and grabbed dinner and started on my homework fifteen minutes ago,” I tell him and watch his face melt into relief. He pulls me into a hug, holding me tightly close to his chest.

“I was so worried you were going to do something stupid. Les said you were standing on the edge of the road and you nearly fell into traffic. Why were you doing that?” Matthew asked, pulling back from the hug to look me in the eyes. But I didn’t answer his question but asked him one of my own.

“Matthew is Jasper a wolf? I can’t smell his scent at all,” I stare into his eyes and see a few emotions filter through his eyes before settels on his look of confusion. But before he can like I speak again. “And don’t even try lying to me. You know I know when you lie. I know when anyone lies, so is he a wolf or not?” He gulps slightly and looks away before he speaks.

“He is a wolf, his family sent him here to keep him safe from his mate. He is mated to a rogue all packs have been after for years. He is dangerous and he has tried to kidnap Jasper since he turned sixteen. But no one in the pack beside Les and myself are suppose to know. You can't tell anyone about this. If you want to keep your frie-” I interrupt him before says anything else.

“Matthew you know by now that I don’t talk to anyone except for you, Les, the pack doc, and now Jasper. And another thing is Jasper and I are not friends. So you don’t have to worry,” I smile up at him and turn away from and sit back down at my desk. “So if that’s all bro I need to finish my homework,” I say as I start on my chemistry homework. I feel his eyes on me for a few seconds before he starts walking to the door.

“Alright just don’t stay up too late, okay,” He tells me and I nodded and raise a hand waving to him.

“Yeah Yeah, I promise, now go so I can focus on my work,” I say and I hear him chuckle as he shuts the door. I sit there for a few seconds then lean back in my seat. 'So Jasper’s mate is a dangerous rogue? Interesting, I wonder what he want with Jasper? I understand he is his mate but there must be something else.’  I wonder for a few minutes but decide to shake it off for now and focus on my work.

After a few hours I finish all my homework and some work that we haven’t been assigned yet. I lean back and stretch my back. As I do that I sense someone in my room. I don’t react and start putting my books and work in my bag. I stand up and put my bag on my desk and turn around.

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