Chapter Three

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I let out a little sigh and walk to the farthest stall from the door. I close the door and sit on the toilet. I search in my pocket for my razor blade. I pull it out and pull up my sleeve and find an empty spot on my arm to cut. I have so many scars and blistered cuts on my arms it is hard to find an open space to add more. I finally find an open spot and place the blade to it.

I cut and I feel the endorphins start to flow through my body. I watch the blood flow from my cut on to my skin the drip down onto the floor. I do this until I feel myself calm down. Once I know for sure the panic is gone i start to clean up my cuts and the mess I have made. I grab some toilet paper and hold it to my cuts. I grab some more toilet paper and clean up the blood on the floor.

I after the mess is cleaned I pull out my bandage and put it around the fresh cuts. I wait in the stall for a few seconds, then flush the toilet and walk out. I wash my hands and walk out the door books in hand like nothing has happened. And to my annoyance Jasper is leaning against the wall from the bathrooms. I ignore him and start walking to class dodging people expertly. But of course he doesn’t take the hint and continues to follow me around.

“Hey wait up! I know you can hear me! Ignoring me will not make me go away,” he says catching up to me and walking besides me. I let out a sigh and just ignore him and let him walk with me. I see people glancing at Jasper then sneering at me. I head to my locker and grab my art class stuff and close my locker. I walk around Jasper who was leaning on the locker next to mine and head to art class.

“You know you should wait up for your friends it is a little rude to always have to catch up to you, “Jasper said but I just ignored him and kept waking to class. “So what's your next period, mysterious friend?” He asked still following me. I hold up my sketchbook and point at it.

“Art, and if you're so insist on being my friend, my name that you can call me is F,” I tell him still not telling him my full name. He gives a little smile and keeps following me.

“Luck for you F, I have the same class as you,” he says with to much enthusiasm. I roll my eyes and walk into the art classroom.

The room is covered with past students and the teacher's art. I head to my normal seat in the back next to the window. The teacher, Mr. Mason usually has assigned seats but he lets me have this seat since I told him it helps with my artistic flow. Jasper tries and follow me but is stop by Mr. Mason.

“Stop right there we have assigned seats in here. So you need to come and tell me your name so I can tell you where your seat is,” Mr. Mason tells Jasper while giving him a strict look. Jasper let's out a little sigh and walks up and starts talking to him.

I pull out my sketchbook and look at the summary of what we are doing on the board. Basic human figure. Something I have learned many times over. I decide I will just work on my sketch from lunch during this lesson instead.

I see Jasper turn away from Mr. Mason with a smug smile and start walking back towards me. I let out a groan as he sits in the desk next to me.

“What did you tell him to let you sit next to me?” I ask as I shade some stuff in my drawing.

“I told him you were the only friend I had here and sitting near someone I know and near a window helps me draw easier,” Jasper tells me and I let out a groan. I turn my full attention to my sketchbook as I hear people start walking in.

“Please act like you don't know or like me,” I tell Jasper without looking up. I sense the confusion so I elaborate little. “People here do not like me. And even though you're a annoying little shit I don't want you to have a horrible year,” I tell him still not looking up. Out of the corner of my eye I see him look slightly confused but doesn’t say anything else.
        I ignore the lesson and focus on making my sketch more realistic. Finally the bell rings and I slowly start to gather my stuff up. I see Lakyn walk over to Jasper and bend over so her breast are visible. Ignore her and stand up, walking around them.

“Good luck,” I whisper as I pass Jasper and head out into the hall only to be pushed to the ground.

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