Chapter 1

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"Aaaargh, I hate this so much!"

Aisha screamed as she shut the main door with full force. Her roommate, Keerthi, winced as she prepared lunch in the kitchen.

"Ow oh, not again. What this time hon?"

Aisha stood against the main door, her eyes shut.

"I lost it. I lost it again! My job..." She said in a low sad voice. Almost like a wisper.

It seemed like she would cry any minute.

"Omigod hunny, Im so sorry!" Keerthi came to her and hugged her.

Aisha reluctantly took the hug. All she wanted at that moment was to be left alone though.

Keerthi genuinely felt bad for her friend. This was not the first time Aisha had lost her job. Hell, they already lost count of the number of times that has happened.

They dint quite understand why that happened so frequently to her. She tried her best to do everything that she could do on her part.

She always tried to get into her boss's good shoes. She was extremely well qualified with degrees of BBA and MBA. She was charming, attractive and literally had model like features and curves. But sometimes her small mistake, would lead to her bosses going all crazy and firing her without even a single warning.

What else? You might have already got the picture.

She was unlucky. Luck was never on her side. You know how some people are just born with it? Sad but true, she was one of them.

For instance, credit cards hated her. And so did atm machines. Everytime she used them, either her card would get stuck, or the atm machine would literally refuse to give her money due to some transaction errors.

NOT only ATM machines, but other mechanical devices dint seem to be in good terms with her either.

She's dropped her iPhone numerous times, and come on. Phones dont crack or completely stop working when they are dropped once or twice. But nah, not in Aisha's case. Her phones would literally break down and it would leave her with no choice but to get a new one.

Also, did I tell you about how her toaster ALWAYS burnt bread no matter how cautious Aisha was? That would lead her to go to office empty stomach and that would mean a clumsy day at work leading to the boss getting angry and firing her in the end.

Life was hard for Aisha. And she would do anything to change herself and her luck. ANYTHING. And something sure was cooking in that little brain of hers.




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