Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Aisha could not sleep all night. She tossed and turned. And much to her dismay Keerthi was snoring when she got home, she had thought of sharing her dilemma with her.

Aisha cringed at the thought of Keerthi finding out. She would kill her. The first time they go out and Aisha messes it up. What would kamran even think of her now? A middle class girl who was desperate. That's what.

So she decided. She wasn't going to let her one move ruin her life including her career.

So she wrote a letter. Part of it true and part of it not.

I don't really know how to start this. Firstly, thanks for the lovely evening yesterday. And secondly, I'm sorry about what happened towards the end of it. That kiss was obviously not supposed to happen. You are my boss. And I am your employee. It was meaningless obviously. Right? So anyway, can we just pretend like the last part of yesterday never happened? Because I loved the rest of it! I'm sorry, again."

After about 10 crumbled papers she decided to go with this. Short and sweet.


The last time Aisha was this terrified was when she was waiting for her name to be called by Kamran on the job selection day.

She was terrified to go to the office this morning. Terrified to see his face. Even though she had planned the letter last night and everything would be alright, she was terrified.

She avoided Keerthi in the morning too. She left the apartment before she woke up and left to the office before grabbing a muffin in her way.

After reaching the office, she picked up the files she was supposed to leave at kamran's office for his final approval and slid the letter she wrote down last night in one of the files.

Okay, this is it. She was going to do it.

Knocking at Kamran's office, "come in" came his reply.

"Good morning, sir." Aisha tried to sound as normal as she possibly could.

"Oh, hi." Kamran smiled at Aisha. He did not seem awkward or tensed, much to Aisha's surprise.

"Um, here at all the files I was supposed to work on. They need your final approval before I can send them out." Aisha said fidgeting with her fingers.

"Oh yeah, thanks Aisha! You are my savior!" Kamran said gratefully before getting back to his work.

Wait, so that's all? Isn't he going to talk about last night? The awkward moment that Aisha had created?

"Hey I was wondering if..." Kamran said.

"Hey listen I wanted to..." Aisha said.

The both of them spoke simultaneously.

"Um.. You go first." Aisha said chuckling nervously.

"No no, what did you want to say?" Kamran smiled.

"Well, I just.. There's a letter already in one of those files but I wanted to get this off my chest. Listen, I'm sorry about what happened last night. I shouldn't have done that. It was unprofessional. I was just, I don't know what came into me. I hope this does not get between our profession. I mean, that kiss was meaningless anyway! Wasn't it? So yeah, I'm sorry." Aisha finished.

Kamran seemed to study her intently and was not smiling anymore.

Did I say something wrong? Aisha sure as hell hoped not.


"Uh yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. I get it. Don't worry about it. It's fine." Kamran said in a serious tone.

"Are you sure?" Aisha wanted to reassure.

"Yes, Aisha. It's okay." Kamran said looking up, trying his best to show a hint of forced smile.

"Okay, awesome. What did you want to ask me?" Aisha remembered she interrupted him earlier.

"Oh, that. No it's nothing. I need to get back to work now." Kamran started to work with the papers.

"Oh okay, sorry. I'll leave you to it. And listen, I'm glad you understand and I'm glad we had this conversation." Aisha smiled and turned around to leave.

Meaningless? Was the kiss really meaningless to Kamran? He put his pen down and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Last night and all morning all he could think about how beautiful that kiss was. How perfectly pink and soft Aisha's lips felt against his. And how that kiss was something that he never knew he longed for.

But Kamran knew it was for the best. Keeping their relationship professional was going to help them both, personally and also professionally. Kamran was going treat Aisha normally. He set his mind to it.


Aisha forced herself to concentrate on work. And just when she was finishing up, she looked up only to find Aditya, keerthi's boyfriend exiting out of the elevator.

"Aditya!" Aisha called him excitedly.

"Oh hey Aisha! Nice to see you." Aditya walked to her cabin.

"Same here! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Roy ofcourse. Remember I had told you we were business partners?" Aditya said.

"Wait, who is Roy?" Aisha asked confused.

"Oh yeah, sorry. He is known here by the name of Kamran, na?"

"Kamran is Roy? That friend you mentioned to Keerthi and me in our apartment a while ago?"

"Oh yes, that's him! Anyway dude, I got meet him urgently now. I'll talk you later k? Bye!" Aditya left to kamran's office.

Aisha's mind worked up the whole puzzle. The last time Aditya had mentioned "Roy" he told them about how he was the most kindest man who had fallen for a girl. Ofcourse, he is rich and handsome. What girl will not fall for him? That girl is lucky though, Aisha thought. And she also gave a virtual pat on he back for clearing things up with Kamran just before Aditya came.

Now there was not going to be any awkwardness between them. And Kamran was going to treat her like a normal employee, Aisha thought.

Or was he?



Hugs and awkward kisses,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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