Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Realisation


As I drove back to my apartment after work, it suddenly struck me. No frikkin way! This cannot be true. But it has to be. Its gotta be.

It was because of the fact that Kamran was going to buy the firm, i got a job there. It was because of him my job got saved. Orelse, considering my previous luck, I wouldve lost my job in a second. I was stupid enough to fall into sudden conclusions and think that it was Dhruv, because he was my boss and he was the one who had appointed me. But in reality, Kamran and Dhruv had already decided about their little understanding of buying and selling the firm much before I got the job.

This was not the only thing though, now that I think about it. Even on that Saturday, when I had very embarrassingly saw Kamran for the first time inside the restaurant. That day, while Keerthi and I were returning home, my car did not give me a hard time like it always did whenever I turn on the ignition. It roared to a start as soon as I had turned the key.

There cannot be any other explanation for this. It has got to be it.

Kamran Malik, the guy that I despised as soon as I saw him for the first time and who I thought was the most arrogant man I had ever had the fate of seeing, is the man because of whom my luck changed.

I parked my car in front of my building and locked my car. I headed to the elevator after greeting our watchman. He was a nice old man.

I pressed the elevator button that would go to floor 4 and braced myself thinking it would get stuck or something. It happened always. In the beginning i was scared of using elevators for that very reason. But being so tired after workdays, i did not care anymore. Our watchman was always present to help anyway in case something went wrong.

Surprisingly, none of that happened this time. Infact, the next thing I know, the elevator door opened at the fourth floor.

Okaaaay, I am still getting used to this. Its going to take some time to adjust to my "new luck." I mean come on. All my life I lived with bad luck thinking anything that Id do would always go wrong. I almost thought I lost my optimistc side.

I took my copy of the apartment key, the other one was with Keerthi, and unlocked the door. The living room was dark but I noticed a dim light coming out of Keerthi's room. I walked towards her room and opened the door, only to find Aditya in her room. He was sitting on her couch, I could hear water splashing sounds from the washroom, that was probably Keerthi. Aditya looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Hi! Sorry did not see you there." He said sweetly.

"Uh..hey." I tried not sounding too weird. I mean, come on. We had met only once before so it was obviously very awkward. "Whats up?! Was...not expecting to see you." I said. Again, trying to sound nice.

"Uh yeah. I took a free day to hang out with her. I figured she was upset with me. Your friend gets sudden moodswings ya know." He winked jokingly.

"That, i would totally agree with." I laughed. "But she had a legit reason to be angry you know. She thought you werent giving her enough of your time."

"Yeah, i figured that out. Better late than never right?"

Just then Keerthi came out of the washroom. "Aishaaa, how was your day? Gosh you look so much better now! Or lets just say, soBER better get it? Sober? Better?" She hugged me.

"You are just too bad at this hon." I rolled my eyes. "And im doing much better now, thank you. And my day was great! What about you?"

"Oh you know, as always, first class!" Just then Aditya excused himself to answer his phone and stepped out of the room.

"So? Youve got him in your hands now huh?" I teased.

"Oh shut it now. But yeah, maybe." She giggled. "Leave about me. How was YOUR day? I mean honestly, i told you! You would definitely get the job! That guy totes has a thing for you!"

I rolled my eyes. Keerthi falls into conclusions faster than I do, thats for sure.

"No, he told me that he gave me the job only because he thinks I am hardworking and I have potential. So yeah, no feelings involved. Really."

"Oh so wait a minute? You guys actually had a chat? Not bad miss Aisha ji. What did you guys talk about?" She asked excitedly.

"Nothing much. I just really wanted to know what other things I told him that night at the bar. He didnt really answer my question properly."

"He probably freaked because he thought youd talk about that little attempt of yours to kiss him."

"Like really? Do you really have to keep reminding me that? Like what are you? A bitch or a bitch?" I was clearly pissed. I mean, that was embarrassing ok? My little attempt to kiss him it seems. If anybody reminds me of that again, i will cut someone. And break someone's face.

"Wooaah there. Chill! If that pisses you off so much then I am sorry. Hey! Are you listening? I am sorraaayyyy." Keerthi got closer to my face and made her infamous puppy dog face. Ugh. She knows I am vulnerable to that little face!

"Gaah fine. Fine! Now move away." I pushed her slightly.

"Not before you give me a hug." She pulled me in a hug and squeezed me as hard as she could.

"Ugh keerthi." I rolled my eyes laughing. My best friend was crazy. She would do anything to make me smile and laugh.

"I know I love you toooo."

Right then, Aditya came into the room. "Sorry to keep you waiting babe." He said to keerthi. Wow, this guy likes her.

"Its okay babe. You gave me some friend bonding time." She winked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Who was on the phone anyway?"

"It was a friend. My long time bussiness partner. That guy who I was talking about yesterday? Rony?"

"Ohhh that multi billionaire?"

"Yeah.. but babe, Im pretty much one too you know? A multi millionaire?" Aditya said faking hurt by putting his hand on his heart.

"Oh come on. What did he have to say anyway?"

"You know these single rich guys. But wait, rony isnt like them. But he said that he has fallen for a charm of this girl.. he dint really tell me the name.. anyway, its so unlike him. Girls and feelings and all. I told you about his past right?"

"Hmmm." Keerthi nodded lost in thought. "Anyway, Aisha? Join us for dinner?" She suddenly turned to me.

"Uh no thanks. You guys continue. I need some time alone." I smiled trying to not sound rude.

After i said that, Keerthi came closer to my ear with a mischevious grin. "Dont think about prince charming too much!" And she went out of the room laughing with Aditya.

Uh. What am I going to do with this girl?

Nonetheless. It was true. For some reason I kept playing the little conversation Kamran and I had today in my mind over and over again. I dont know why. It just felt nice. Knowing he knows I exist. Knowing he is nice and charming and humble. That too being a rich guy.

I got ready for bed and lay on it covering myself with my blanky. I stared at the ceiling and looked at the glowing fake stars stuck on it. After a while I drifted to a dreamland where I saw Kamran wearing a white shirt, lazily and losely tucked in his pants and a losely made tie with his collar button open and he was walking me towards me. In short, i had a great sleep.





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