Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Aisha's POV

My head felt heavy and it hurt like bloody hell as I woke up.

"Aahhh." I winced. Gosh this was unbearable.

"Yep, its gonna be like that for a while." Keerthi entered my room and kept a cup of coffee on my side table. It dawned on me that I was in my own room and on my own bed and in our own apartment. Though the last thing that I remember was getting myself wasted and talking to.. wait.

"Dude! What the hell happened last night? Omigosh please dont tell me I did something stupid. I mean I guess I am sure I dint do anything stupid since I woke up on my own bed and.." I noticed Keerthi start to make her pitiful face. Wth? "OMIGOSH will you tell me already? Aah." I rubbed my head as i felt the pain increase.

"Okay okay calm it." She sat on the chair beside my bed. "You got drunk and danced and stuff, all of which I think you do remember? But after all that, well. You talked to him. That hot dude who was responsible for.. erm, you losing the job."

Ofcourse. Kamran Malik.

"Yeah big deal I talked to him." I rolled my eyes. The last that I wanted was to be reminded of that loser.

"Hang on. Thats not even the best part! You were pretty rude to him, atleast thats what Zoya said when she called me and asked me to pick you up from the club, telling me you were way too drunk to drive. Anyway, so when I reached there, you were about to get all close and personal with that hotty."


"You are joking right?" Losing my job was bad enough. Doing "things" with the guy who was responsible for it? Oh please kill me!

"But no worries. You did call him a jerk and storm out of the place. And thats when you tripped and I caught you. And he did too. Actually it was mostly him. Infact he carried you to the car even. Bridal style." Keerthi winked. Omgshit.

"YOU ACTUALLY ALLOWED HIM TO DO THAT?" I said in an angry and hurt tone.

"Hunny? Do you actually think I would be able to carry you all the way the club that was filled with drunk swaying people mind you, and to the car all by myself? Oh and he asked me if he could come along and make sure you reached home fine. Atleast I did not say yes to that."

"Wait, he said that?" I wish I could remember the conversation that took place between us last night. Though since i called him a jerk, i know the convo would not have been a great one. But i still wish i remember.

"Yep. He was very helpful and charming you know. What a gentleman!"

"You have a boyfriend." I said in a bored tone.

"Pffft do you have dibs on that guy now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just please remind me to never ever get drink or just drink alcohol in general ever ever again." I said keeping my eyes closed. They still seemed heavy.

"Yeah hon, we have all said that."

Just when I was about to collapse on my bed again, my phone rang.

"Could you please take that?"

Keerthi walked to my dresser and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She waited for a response and headed out of the room. "Wait, theres  no proper connectivity here."

I put my head on the pillow and stared at the cieling. I dont understand why i feel so calm and collected. I lost my job in like less than a week, just when I thought everything was going to be fine. Maybe a small part of me knew this was going to happen. I mean, i know i should stay positive too. But I had literally gotten so used to this, i could not bring myself to believe that everything would be fine in a jiffy.

I closed my eyes. My head started to feel heavy again. And eyes. Just then Keerthi ran into my room.

"You will not believe this! It was Akshit!"

"Why would he call?" I was confused.

"You are being called to the office Aisha! The new hot boss that bought ur company? He is calling you!"

Wait what?

"Omigod. I can already sense its going to be something bad. What if he is calling me to reprimand me about what happened last night? Ugh i am so not going. Or ugh should i go? No i dont think i should."

I kept blabbaring to myself when keerthi stopped me.

"Girl! Stop this will you? You should obviously go. You being called back to this office. He wouldnt waste his billionaire precious time and call you if he only wanted to scold you."

She had a point.

"Ugh, but my head. It hurts. And my face, it looks so trashed." I dint look less than a zombie.

"For your head, drink the coffee. And as for your face, leave that to me." Keerthi winked and headed out of my room and got her make up.


After half an hour, and two cups of coffee for my head, which felt better now, i headed to my office. Not exactly "my" office. My...former office.

I soon as i reached my floor I see Dhruv standing in front of his office door and talking to.. ugh. Kamran. The last human I wanted to see right now.

"Okay so since you're all here, let me inform you about the recent changes that have happened in the office." Dhruv started.

Most of us had bored expressions. If they called me only to tell me ive lost my job, i'll probably cut someone today.

"Miss Aisha? Would you please come forward?"

What? Me?  I looked up only to find out that everybody was staring at me and Kamran was expecting me to do what he just said.

Ugh. What else is my bad luck going to do in my life?



Next chappie coming soon, keep reading!


Pinkpearl. Xx

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