Vampire rule vampire overide

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Phil ran for his life, his deeply blackened hair falling into his black eyes. His legs pumped against the hard rock ground, occasionally he tripped over the rail road wood beams, he made sure he wouldn't fall.

Phil glanced back, a parade of vampires running at the speed of light behind him. It was at this time that the man was glad that he could run as fast as them. If he were still a human he'd be dead by now.

The running vampire couldn't resist to compare comparison to being chased by a herd of black eyed vampires. To being chased by zombies. They both were ravenous to eat to Phil. The only difference was, they wanted to kill him, not eat them.


If it was possible for the boy to run faster, he was. He made sure to be careful to trip and fall over the wooden beams amounts the rocks filling the gaps. He wasn't going to die like a stupid teen in a horror film.

In the far far distance Phil saw a dark figure running slightly slower then him. It seemed as though they were struggling to keep the slow pace. Because of this the vampire recognised the being as a familiar reaper he knew.

Behind Dan was a small group of hunters. Super strength humans designed to kill vampires and any other supernatural being do that the earth can be clean of them. They can't run as fast as vampires, hence why Dan was moving slowly. He had to keep his hunters chasing him.

As the two groups neared each other, Phil's smile grew.

" Took you long enough!" Phil called, his voice slightly deeper due to being in full 'vampire' mode.

Dan mirrored the vampires smile.
" At least you don't have slow pricks behind you!".

As the two collided Phil took Dans hand. The reaper then spun the boy around in a circle. While Phil was flung through the air he had the task of kicking each leader to knock them back.

The reaper then swung Phil into his arms and the bow blue eyes boy cling onto the dark short the taller man wore.

The two fazed out, teleported.

Phil closed his eyes as bright colours flew around him. His head started to hurt and his stomach felt queasy.

Then everything stopped.

The boy continued to clutch on to the reapers shift and brace, he never knew when it was over. There were many times when he opened his eyes, expecting to see sold ground and earth. But instead saw neon colours and images that flew past so fast it gave him a migraine.

" You can open your eyes now Phil" Dan spoke softly, his British tone shinning through.

The vampire slowly let the light into his eyes and his vision became clear. They stood on a secluded street. Just off the road. Stone paths and overthrowing grass filled he cracks in the road and the paths. All the homes seemed the same, unfinished, white corpses of what was once meant to be a living space.

Phil slowly let go of Dan as the man put him down. His overworn converses hit the ground softly. He looked around, taking in his surroundings.

" Where are we?".

" On the outskirts of London. We stand in an abandoned development, I think the building company ran out of money" Dan explained.

Phil started his slow journey down the unfinished and unkept road. His hands held each other behind him back. Dan walked and held pace with him.

" Now all the houses are empty, it's only a matter of time before some teenagers start to graffiti every surface" Phil pondered.

The reaper nodded, glancing over at the vampire. His charge. He one he was to protect.
A task appointed to him by he unknown.

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