•Nightterror night• 21 (Part 4)

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As the wolf lunged it's heavy body over, Varian swiftly ducked just in time, leaving the wolf to be smashed against the wall and slowly melt down.

"Y/n!! This isn't like you, snap out of it!!!" Varian pleaded as he dodged several jumps from the wolf, all attempting to tear his neck to shreds.

"Y-y/n,,, I know you're in there!! please, please, please, come back to me!" Varian's eyes teared up, backing up against the bed.

A sudden sniff of smoke filled his lungs, his eyes widened as he back up from the bed to see bright orange flames dancing in front of the both of them.

The wolf shook it's head, and shot a look of fear at Varian. Both of their heads raced around the room, looking for an exit.

The only way into the room had been blocked off by a fallen peice of wood from the ceiling making it impossible to get out without running through the inferno.

"We're trapped!" Varian coughed, gasping for air.

The wolf whined, it's ear lowering and glancing at Varian with a look of regret. The wolf grabbed Varian's sleeve and pulled him ontop of the beast's back.

The wolf ran with all its power, it's massive hind legs pulled for forward one last time, then shot back towards the ground, launching the canine over the wood and burning it's underside.

Varian fell limp ontop the beast's back as she ran as fast as she could out, getting as far away as she could.

There was faint yelling coming into the wolf's ears, getting louder and louder.

"VARIAN!! Y/N?" Loud screams came from Rapunzel, Cass, and Eugene, signalling them to get away.

The wolf walked up to them inside one of the rooms where they were safe, glancing at them and gently layed Varian down next to them. Soon flopping over and passing out along side of him.








You bit your lip at the sudden burning sensation over your front torso, letting a light groan out. You managed to roll yourself over and push yourself to your hands and knees. Opening your eyes slowly, things started to come into focus.

You sat up, cross sitting, and looked around. Your chest and stomach looked heavily bandaged and Varian was at you side.

"HolY mOTher of alchemy! You scared me back there, you really did." Varian sighed and hugged you tightly.

You smiled and looked at him confused.


",,,What happened?" You rose a brow at Varian not answering.

Varian rubbed his neck nervously, laughing sheepishly.

"Well you see,,, you kinda,,, went all wolfy on me and nearly tore my face off and then there was a fire and,,,," Varian looked at where you had been bandaged and turned away, sighing.

Your eyes widen a little, giving Varian a light smile.

"Well, we're not dead, and I'm sure I'll be fi- ow" You tried getting up but rather it hurt more then you expected.

"Yeah, uh, maybe you should rest."

"Good idea."

Varian gave a kiss on your forehead and put out the candle on the desk.

Varian x Reader (Oneshots and Short stories) Tangled: the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now