Part I-The Night Begins

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The school gym was covered in glitter, lights and Paris themed décor. It was an amazing sight-but Johnny just couldn't enjoy it. Not since Lola left. He sat there and fiddled with his suit jacket, wishing it was his familiar leather one. His suit was double breasted but he had the buttons undone, and was jet black with almost invisible pinstripes. He found it in an old closet in the tenements, that's where all the gang got their suits.

His eyes floated around, looking at the other couples. Jimmy and Zoe were making out near the bathroom door, Zoe wearing a dress with flames on it. Hal was having fun with Eunice. Johnny began to feel a bit sick, so started looking down again. It felt like torture looking at everyone else having fun, especially that Lola was there as well. Her gown was vivid red and had a pansy to hold up the single strap, with a bunch of ribbons and lace at the bottom. Johnny wanted to head home. But something was keeping him there.

The gang were all having a guys' night out to cheer up Johnny. All except Hal didn't bring dates. Peanut would come to talk to Johnny every now and then, and even offered him a drink. But Johnny denied. He couldn't eat or drink, since he lost his appetite. He let out a sigh and lit a cigarette. He was sitting alone at the top of the bleachers.

Just then, someone caught his eye. Pinky was alone. She didn't go with Derby? Where was he?

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