Part IV- Night Limo

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Derby was amazed. He never really thought about how Bif or Chad, maybe even Gord, could save his life. Derby treated them well enough, but wasn't like a buddy to them. More like a general commanding his armies. "You understand what I means?" Johnny asked. Derby simply whispered, "For once, I finally do."

It was getting late and everyone looked wasted. Johnny was sure he saw one of the jocks spiked the punch but he wasn't sure if it was one of them. Johnny felt wasted too, except though he hadn't touched a single drop. "My, look at the time. Are you still up for those drinks at the tenements?" Derby asked, checking his silver watch. "Yeah sure. You got a bike?" Johnny replied, lighting another cigarette.
"Don't blow that smoke at me, will you? I can't stand the stuff. No, I haven't got a bike, but you certainly aren't riding a bike in that suit. It'll get ruined! You can get in my limo with me."
"You just can't stand it because you ain't tried it. I ain't been in a limo before...sure! Peanut can ride my bike home anyway."

Derby got up, saying "Come on then, old chap. The night is still young." Johnny got up too, motioning for Derby to follow him to the door. "We haven't got all night, Mr Stuck-Up. So hurry it up!" He joked. The two got out of the brightly lit Paris-gym and into the breezy night air. Derby had to fix his hair, but other than that it was relatively calm out. The limo blended in to the dark night apart from the mild light emitting from the tinted windows. Johnny hadn't seen such a car before, it was something of a dream. Sure, he had worked on worn down cars and broken bikes his whole life, but this was different. "Is something wrong?" Derby asked, a bit concerned at the boy's fascinated face. Johnny merely nodded and smiled. He was just excited to feel like the top of the town! But also nervous too...especially in New Coventry.

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