Part III-Live The Night

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"I must admit, they really outdone themselves this year." Derby mumbled. "Yeah, it looks real nice." Johnny replied, "Especially with the tiny budget and all."
"Yeah. So what do you plan on doing after prom?"
"I planned that me and Lola'd go to this big fancy place to eat. But...I don't got a Lola no more. Hell, I probably couldn't afford it anyhow."
"So what are your plans now?"
"Go home to the tenements and drown my sorrows in cola. You?"
"I had a whole night planned with Pinky too, but I guess not all dreams come true. Do you have room for one more?"
"Aight. I could sure use the company."

The two smiled at each other, but Derby looked away suddenly. "What's wrong?" Johnny asked.
"It's just...we're like cats and dogs, you and me. We just don't mix."
"Well, tonight we won't."
"We won't be greaser and prep. We'll just be ordinary guys."
"...yeah. That sounds great."

The two smiled once again, not giving a damn about the other students' confused looks as the two rivals joked around. Johnny didn't feel as sick anymore, maybe because his new 'buddy' distracted him so much. Just as he began to open up, a certain red-headed prep came over at their footsteps.

"Derby, what exactly are you doing with this filthy greaseball?" Bif spat in anger. Greaseball. Johnny has heard that insult so many times it was almost comical to him. "Bif, I am allowed to do what I like and if you disagree you shall be in the streets faster than poor people get welfare. Now, scram!" Derby commanded, Bif looking really guilty for a moment before leaving.

"What was that?" Johnny asked, a bit irritated. "What do you mean?" Derby replied.
"You just threatened your best bud! Is that how you treat all the Preps?"
"Well, sometimes. Only when they step out of line."
"I'd never yell at Peanut, no matter how much he annoyed me. They don't annoy me anyway, because they know where the bar is set. They respect me. Treat your boys right. They might save your life one day."

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