Chapter 5

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    As Louis pushes the cafeteria door, I could distinct the vast mess that was in every single spot. As Louis spots this too, I could see depression gathering in his eyes and inconsolable sorrow fills them, that I am sure this is all of what he let me in.

  Louis' POV.

      I feel miserable like the sunless sea for what I got Katie into.I just can't hide my embaressment that keeps on struggling inside of me to be free making me feel as bad as the itch. I want to tell her I'm sorry, but the words keep sliding down my throat like they are unable to go out.

     "I'm really sorry for what I've got you in , I didn't mean that"Words came out quickly like they were trapped for years.

  Kaitlyn's POV.

    "I'm really sorry for what I've got you in, I just didn't mean that." He says unexpectedly after a 2-minute-silence.

    "It's not a big deal, am really enjoying my time." I reply foolishly not focusing because of his beautiful grin that is welcomed by my heart.


     I am starting to get  used to this smile that lights up the whole town.

    " So why are you here? In this school?" He asks curiously

   "It's just, mmmm, because I didn't fit in my friends." I lie ,hoping he won't find out I am.

    "You're lying, tell me why, really I'm not going to tell anybody, trust me." He mutters these words and making me feel like I knew him for ages or something.

   " You got me, well, I just had some problems with my father so me and mum moved out , so I came here." I reply honestly.

    " Oh, sorry for that." He apologizes, turning his head to the floor.

    "No PROBLE..!" as I am just going to answer Louis, I slip on a can of coke that some kind of jerk left around here. All what I am thinking of right now is that I'd really look like a dumb infront of the first guy I talk to in this school and I was hoping I was going to make him a first good impression on me, it's just gone.

     "Watch out Kate!" A voice that seemed so far away comes to my ears. As I open my eyes quickly to glimpse, Louis is like a fireman who is summoned only when there is trouble. He is just holding me from my waist and luckily I didn't bump on the floor. As I open my eyes fully, I could see beautiful, blazing, enchanting, eyes staring at me intently. Words can't describe how magical his eyes are. It's a unique colour which is not neither green nor blue. I could feel lumps of heat rushing to my whole entire body making me feel that I'm as hot as a child having severe measles. Maybe because Louis is just so hot that I melted.

  Louis' POV.

     I have just caught her from falling into the floor , as I look into her emerald green eyes that are twinkling as gleaming stars, I could feel her body heating under my palms that our hot and cold skins made the most wonderful feeling. Maybe because she's so hot.

    Kaitlyn's POV.

   "Are you okay?" His words drag me to reality.

    " Yea I am, thanks Louis." That's all I could say.

     We kept on mopping the floor and cleaning everything in complete silence for about 10 minutes, trying to realize what had  just happened a few minutes ago.

   "So, I want to know everything about you, Kate." He breaks our silence.

    "What do you want to know?" I reply.

   "Everything, just summarize." He says while mopping the floor.

   "I'm a 16-year-old mad girl, who desires to be always away from people, I am just crazy about romantic novels, umm.." I answer his question that I have never expected.

    " C'mon, go and tell a stranger about your whole life you foolish asshole." My subconcious comments in a very vicious insulting way.


     I just pretend I didn't hear her. Louis is about to answer me when he suddenly steps on the head of a broom and it's arm stretchs above and hit him in his sensitive part. Louis falls on the floor, but this time I can't hold his waist as he did. His face is as red as a poppy and he is just rolling on the floor from the wicked broom that just bet him up.

     "Hahaha, Oh Gosh, hahahah, are you alright?" I can't hold my laughter but I scurry to help him get up.

   Louis POV.

     Just look at me , I am like a newly born baby that is yelling on the floor for his mother to feed him. She would just think I'm certainly foolish. I can see purple toms approaching to me.

  Kaitlyn's POV.

     I help him get up, noticing that he is focusing on my toms.

    "What?" I question , hoping he won't make fun of them like my subconcious did this morning.

    " They're cute." He surprises me.

    "You looked hilarious when you fell, I just couldn't hold me laughter!" I tell him, regretting that I did.

     "Just don't let me tell you how you looked like when you were about to fall, so shut up beautiful!" He teases, but sweetly.

    "Okay, okay. Let's finish now,we have lots to do." I remind him.

      We spent the hour left talking and chatting about hilarious things we did while we were kids and some stupid things we secretly like doing.

    "I'll make my way to the school's library to look for a novel.You wanna come with me?" Images of my subconcious slapping me on the face boil inside of my head because of what I foolishly said.

     I anxiously bite on my bottom lip,sighing dramatically due to today's extraordinarily exhausting cleaning while placing my hand on my sweaty forehead.

    "Which novel are you looking for Kaitlyn?"He gazes at me passionately evaluating my response.

     Only now I notice that his gorgeous pair of eyes are different shades of piercing green and crystal blue.

    "A Walk To Remember By Nicholas Sparks." I reply hesitantly secretly trying yet failing to hide my shyness somewhere.


   "Oh,guess what? I've finished reading it yesterday.This book is just an epic with its unexplainably romantic stamp on every page.You can borrow it from me and return it back whenever you want.I'm positively sure you'll like it" He spoke handing me the book.

     His features softened,his eyes holding such a deep amusment causing my heart to mercilessly hammer as if it was going to jump out of my chest.

    "Thank you so much.This is really so nice of you." I squeak gleefully. How can somebody be absolutely sweet all the time? How?

    "Today was incredibly unforgettable Kaitlyn.I kept laughing till my stomach hurt. It was really fun."He chuckled.

     The way he says those  undescribable words send chills through me. I admire the way he can wear such a magically bright smile on his pretty face. A giggle escapes from my lips at today's memories .

    "Hanging out with you was truly fascinating, Louis. Thanks a million for the book. I'll definetly have to go home now before it gets too late. See you tomorrow!" I feel like I'm so high up in the air,nothing's holding me,nothing's surrounding me but the air stinging my face,everything looks so little yet bigger as I approach it more and more.I can't stop,there's nothing to grab,I'm in free atmosphere,my heart is racing,my mind's paralyzed,it takes me more than half the way to realize that my own happiness is trapping me.

    We tightly hug each others goodbye, his enchanting scent- that is like the ocean breeze- filling up my nostrils, his ice cold breath carresing the back of my neck.

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