Chapter 10

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     The glittering twinkle in his eyes that couldn't be hidden evaporates in agony to be replaced by crumbling grief. A thrill of guilt and despair is flooding over him like all the blood has drained from his veins, like someone's crushing his bones and ligaments into pieces.                  

    "I have to go now to talk to someone.Thanks for the dance." His icy minty breath caresses the back of my neck wildly as he speaks in a low soft murmur.

     To my great surprise,he walks towards a dazzling redhead. Hesitantly, he sets an arm on her small of a back while giving her a quick peck on the lips. Smiling awkwardly, I jerk my gaze away from them staring instead at the floor. Can you imagine pity-filled envious words being thrown at your face all at once, can't you? Is it even possible to get a bunch of jealous gazes tied together with distant memories that burn holes in you as if someone'a stirring your insides with a spoon?! Their gazes remind me of the scars in my mind that torture me awake or asleep. Insane. This is insane. The crowds in the party don't need a brush to paint images from my past. They work just as well in words. 


     Pushing through the swaying  sweaty bodies everywhere on the dance floor, my glossy-brimmed-with-tears-eyes land on a cosy floral lilac couch far away from the murderous crowd and the countless tables. While taking a seat on it, a messed-up thought starts crossing my mind effortlessly. Losing people. Losing people who don't want to be in your life anymore isn't as catastrophic as it seems to be. I've lost people who meant the world, no the whole universe to me and I think I' doing fine. All of a sudden, my head's falling backwards on the couch, banging in process. Black spots invade my sight for a few seconds due to the blaring sound of the music that is piercing, perforating my ear drum, deafening me to death. My limbs start trembling unmangeably as I slowly push myself up. Swallowing the big lump in my throat, I begin walking-almost-sprinting-to the parking lot after asking about the directions. My lower lip quivers as soon as the crisp warm air envelops me gracefully, the streets are looking so alive.My emerald eyes are roaming around the lot, scrutinizing it's every corner for any sign of my car. I grow more scared an frustrated as my thoughts reel back to Louis picking me up earlier this evening. But then I hear the echo of heavy rushed footsteps on the cold gravel ground and a breezy relaxing smell fills the air. A soft palm lands on my shoulder soothingly and out of undisguised panic I slap it away, hard. 


    "Katie,I've been looking for you all night.What are you doing here??"

   "I'm terribly sorry, Louis. I am searching for my car to go home since I no longer have the energy to put up with everyone's snobbish glances and their pitiful whispers about me. How am I supposed to act as if everything's okay?"

     "Calm down Katie. You're not mistaken at all. It's my fault I left you here alone, I'm the one who's sorry. Let me drive you home now, you look so pissed off." he comforts me.

     Uncomfortable tense silence fills the car and I stare out of the car's window at the people going by in the streets peacefully, admiring the way they can put on fake smiles as if nothing's wrong in their lives. Fifteen minutes later, the car's engine comes to a hault in front of my house and Louis jumps out of his seat to pull me in a relaxing hug , he really can distinct my eyes full with tears and my heart thumping under my dress.

      Louis opens the door for me , like he did a few hours ago, you can feel like it is a movie with a scene being acted again to look better.

    "Why did you want to leave? did something annoy you in the party?" He speaks, leaning on his red-as-a poppy-Ford Fiesta car, giving me a congenial space so I could lean next to him while talking.

    "Nope." I lie.

    "Oh, really?" He answers sacrastically.

    "I'm listening." He adds. Oh Gosh , he really knows me.

     "I'm a bit annoyed for what I did to Laura, I shouldn't have danced with Harry-"

   "but he was so irresistable" I say in my mind.

    "Why did you stop? Continue."

   "I just didn't know he has a girlfriend. It's his fault right, he's the one who danced with me right?"

    "Haha, I am sure Laura is going to kill Harry as I said before especially when he was dancing with a girl that is prettier than her, she would think he is cheating on her, I know Laura she would do anything for Harry because he is wealthy, she is such a fuckin' bitch" He says quickly taking a deep breath after that.

   " Really? She doesn't love him?"

    "Nuh-Uh, she just likes the fact that she has a rich boyfriend to get her what she wants, if she sees him with another girl, she believes she could lose his money."

    "Why don't you tell Harry? Isn't he your bestfriend?"

   "I did several times, I warned him, but he doesn't listen, maybe because he hardly get girls on dates, he is such a quiet , mysterious guy."






    " Well, I should go by now, I'm really exhausted Louis."

    "Because maybe you haven't been awake to midnight since ages!" He teases with a teasing smirk on his lips.

     "Ofcourse not, you filthy animal!" I insult making both of us laugh loudly.

     "Haha, well, I'll call you tomorrow since there's no school."

    "I'll be waiting for your call."


    We are hugging, not really tight as yesterday infront of the school, but I could still distinct the pungent smell of lavander cologne, I admire lavander.

     "I love your smell." I compliment realising that I don't have the ability to compliment guys. What have I just said? Smell? I could have said his cologne or his navy-blue tie or any other thing rather than smell. I'm such a dull-witted girl.

    "Smell?" Louis and my subconscious mutter at the same exact second.

    "If you don't know how to talk to guys you better shut up, idiot." My subconscious comments while insulting. When I usually try to visualise my subconious, I can realise she's a short, chubby girl with an extremely long tongue with hurtful words written on it. She is in two plaits and looks so teasing that I just want to spank her till she passes out.

    "Never Mind." I tell Louis, blushing a bit.

     "No, no, I get it. " he replies while approaching to sniff me.

    "I adore your vanilla smell-" he cuts his words by sniffing again.

     "With a touch of cinamon as I can smell too." he adds

    I just giggle and feel huge goose bumps approaching my throat because he is just a few inches away from me.

    "I really love it." He compliments, slapping my subconscious on the forehead so she can shut the hell up.

     "I'd better go now , I'll talk to you tommorow, bye."

     I goodbye him quickly before he could see my face that is about to burst like an over-blown balloon.

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