Chapter 10

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(Daniella's POV)

It's been another two weeks since mother attempted to kill Snow. Despite this, I still feel as if I'm a foreigner to the palace and its ways. However, I'm very grateful that my presence in the castle as my mother's heir hasn't leaked out into the public. Only the guards, servants and some of my mother's advisers are aware of my identity. Whenever I thought about the kingdom and the throne, my heart drops in worry. I'm so weak and incapable; my literature and writing has barely even improved! How am I meant to be a Princess if I'm not educated?

I let out a sigh and pushed my food around my plate until I caught my mother's disapproving gaze. I sheepishly bit my lip and looked down. After taking the last bite of my breakfast, I put down the cutlery and watched as my mother ate in silence. I knew what today signified....the anniversary of my father's death. The castle seemed to have grown cooler in the past few days. My grandfather explained that it was because of my mother's pain. I think I agree. Whenever I stepped into her chambers, I felt as if I was burying myself in ice. 

"Daniella, I know I promised you that I'll give you more lessons on magic today. However, I have to go somewhere and I'll probably return later in the afternoon. You can wait till the evening for your lessons right?"

"Of course. Where are you going?"

"Somewhere. I'll be back to help you with your magic."

I tried to hide the sceptical look on my face and nodded. I was looking forward to the lesson today. After the failure of killing Snow two weeks ago, mother had decided that I needed magic to defend myself just in case I was stuck in a similar situation. Although I highly doubted that I would be in a disguise as a peasant; trying to kill my enemy, I was excited to accept my mother's idea. Now, I have managed to not only create fireballs and throw them, I could teleport and make objects appear in my hand. I've just mastered the latter so I was going to learn something new today. Ugh, I have to wait till the evening now.

"Daniella you may leave the table. I do believe that you have some arithmetics to work on, am I correct?"

I groaned. "I've already finished today's portion of the homework yesterday. Do I have to learn maths today?" There is always a downside to something. Being the daughter of the Queen, I have to see my tutor every morning and the first subject that we would work on is my least favourite.

Mother looked at me and playfully said, "I could always cancel that magic lesson today...."


She raised her eyebrow as I gave her a brief hug and whispered, "Fine...."


(Regina's POV)

As the carriage rolled along the road to my old home, I looked out of the window to distract myself from my troubling thoughts. In my hands, I fingered a single rose that I have brought to adorn Daniel's grave. Although my true love's body lay preserved in a glass coffin in the palace crypt, I still wanted to ensure that Daniel's tombstone was well tended to. We were nearing the abandoned estate, my childhood home, when a small huddle of people caught my eye. As I squinted, I realised that they were standing on a patch of land that was part of the royal grounds. I felt my cheeks redden. I wasn't sure if it was because of what day it is, or the lack of sleep but I huffed and called out to the driver to stop the carriage. I needed to get to the bottom of this. 


The carriage slowed down to a stop just as I was shaking a dark red layer of dust off from the rose for Daniel's grave. After crushing that peasant's heart, I had accidentally touched the flower before making sure that the residue from the heart was gone from my hands. The carriage now halted completely and I felt my eyes prick at the sides as I got out and looked upon the hill that lead to Daniel's tombstone. 

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