Chapter 43

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(Regina's POV)

I held my breath when they lowered me down into the darkness. Slowly, I felt the musty air overtake my body. I grimaced and fumbled for the torch that was clipped onto the harness. I switched it on and glanced at the rock walls surrounding me. When I hit the bottom, I unclipped the harness from the rope. Then, I took it off altogether. I don't need Maleficent seeing me tethered like a dog on it's leash.

With the small torch in my hands, I started moving as fast as I could through the mines. To my relief, I soon approached the large cavern area that Maleficent was trapped inside. Knowing that the fire from her breath and her stomach would illuminate the darkness, I switched off my torch and cautiously stepped into the space. 

For a moment, the only sound audible to my ears was the crunch of gravel beneath my feet. However, that changed all of a sudden when Maleficent's stone-like body started to uncurl. Then, her green eyes opened and blinked. Wisps of smoke rose into the air as she breathed, "Regina."

I stood my ground and demanded, "Where is she? Where's my daughter?!"

Maleficent used her head to gesture towards the space hidden behind her wing. I started to make my way forward but she blew fire at me, forcing me to retreat. I looked up and glared at her, "Stop with these games. I know you better than you think. You're using Daniella as a bargaining chip. Why? What do you want?"

Maleficent grunted so I raised an eyebrow and continued, "You want to kill me?"

In a raspy breath, she answered, "No."

Her reply shocked me. "No?! I trapped you here for twenty eight years. Well, then, what do you want?"

"Unlike you, I've got better things than to seek revenge. Change me back. Revert me to my human form."

Quietly, I replied, "You know I can't. There's no magic in this realm."

"Find a way to do so."

I huffed, "But how about Daniella now? Hm?"

"I'll keep her here until you change me back."

I gasped and angrily shouted, "Didn't you hear me? There's no magic in this realm. Even if you kept Daniella here, I can't revert you."

"Well, you've just landed yourself with a quest to free me from this body."

I crossed my arms and glared at Maleficent, "No deal."

The dragon tossed her head upwards and let out a breath of fire and flames. I cringed a little. I have no intention of becoming grilled. Before I could come up with an alternative to Maleficent's deal however, she spoke again. "Fine. I'll let your daughter go but in return, not only will you have to turn me back to my human form whenever possible, you also have to help me find my daughter afterwards."

I widened my eyes. "You have a-"

"Yes. Now deal or no deal?"

I sighed and shouted, "Deal. Where's Daniella?"

Maleficent lifted her wing to reveal a slumped form lying on the ground. "Daniella!" I ran over and kneeled down next to her. As I scooped my daughter up into my embrace, I gently shook her. "Daniella! Daniella! Firefly...please..."

I held my breath. Then, Daniella gave a small mumble. I stroked her cheek just as she slowly opened her eyes. "Mama..."

"Daniella! Oh, thank goodness you're alright."

Daniella sat up with my help. She looked around hazily but when she spotted Maleficent's green eyes, she gasped and fell into my body. I quickly rubbed her back and whispered, "I'm sorry that you were used as Mal's pawn. But let's get out of here, shall we?"

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