Chapter 55

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(Daniella's POV, two o'clock in the morning)

No matter how many times I tossed and turned, I couldn't get to sleep. When I asked Emma what they were going to do with mother, she said that she didn't know. I knew that they wouldn't kill her because of Henry and I. However, I didn't know when, or if they would release her from prison.

I let out an annoyed breath and got out of my bed, which was just a mattress on the floor. The apartment was small and since Snow and Charming occupied the bed on the first level, Emma and Henry slept in the bed on the second. It was a little chilly in the lounge room upstairs but at least, it was far from everyone. Even though they were snoring loudly, I was afraid that my tossing and turning would wake them up. I left Adelaide on the mattress and quietly went downstairs. Then, I retrieved my clothes from the bags that sat near the doorway. After lunch, Emma had driven Henry and I to the mansion to collect some things. She had risen an eyebrow when I came out of the house clutching my doll. To my surprise, she hadn't questioned me. Instead, she started talking about how she couldn't bear to let go of her baby blanket. I wish I could have had a glimpse of what my life looked like as a baby. But, that was impossible since the king ordered all of my possessions- clothes, blankets and toys to be burnt after I had been taken away. 

Shaking my head, I rid myself of the thoughts about the past and padded softly to the door. Maybe I could sneak over to the Sheriff's station and see Mama. When I had put on my shoes and a jacket, I quietly opened the door and left. The streets were chilly and dark but I still had a vague idea of where the centre of town was. Turning left, I started to jog down the path under the yellow glow of streetlights. At the corner of my eyes, I realised that something else was glowing in the leaves of the trees that lined the streets. I stopped and approached one of the trees in curiosity. "Fireflies..."

I gasped in excitement. Even though my magic was taken away, magic of true love remains. I breathed out a sigh of happiness as I whispered to the critters, "Can you take me to Mama?" As the fireflies flew up into the sky and started heading in the direction that I was headed, I smiled. Thank you, mommy and daddy.

I followed the fireflies and tried my best to ignore the dark shadows that hid the end of the path in front of me. After minutes of walking, I became nervous. What if I was a fool in believing that the fireflies would lead me in the right direction? What if I was too hopeful? I exhaled loudly but continued to follow the fireflies. Soon however, the road beside me got wider. Moments later, I found myself on Main Street. The ground was a little wet from rain but under the yellow streetlights, the quietness of Storybrooke brought a smile to my face. I chuckled after realising that I was starting to like the town. 

I knew that the Sheriff's station was close since it didn't take very long by car to go from Mr Gold's pawnshop to the station. Sure enough, I soon arrived outside the building. After watching the fireflies disappear into specks of stars in the sky, I approached the glass doors at the entrance. To my disappointment, they were locked, and couldn't be opened by key either. So, I ran around the building in hopes to find another entrance. Since there were none, I came back to the entrance. That's when I noticed a little keypad with numbers on it next to the doors. I frowned. Is this how doors are locked in this world?

I prodded one of the numbers and the screen above the pad lit up. Please enter security code.

I bit my lip and thought. Would the code have been set up by mother? If that's so...I entered the date that the curse was enacted. Error. Please try again.

I tried not to let panic settle in my stomach as I put in my mother's birthday. It didn't work either. Then, I tried every single possible password that could potentially have a connection to my mother. None of them worked. Eventually, I gave up and walked around the building again. That's when I heard a soft humming noise. I followed the noise until it lead me to a small window that was located high up, beside the leaves of a small tree. I paused on the garden bed and listened. I immediately recognised my mother's voice. She was humming the lullaby that she had used when I was a baby. My mouth dried up. "Mama?"

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