Chapter 2

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Daniella's POV

The morning has come yet I couldn't rid my mind of the thoughts that accumulated since yesterday. The witch who was apparently named Wilma, mentioned my name to the figure that resided in the mirror. The mirror whose surface I couldn't see thanks to Wilma's suspicious concealment. I didn't want to let hopeful thoughts fall into my head in case it disappointed me but what if the figure was somehow connected to me? Yet, who would be interested in a girl like me?

I had a nagging feeling that it was one of my relatives but I didn't want to have high hopes. From my memory, my parents have abandoned me and left me to fend for myself in a different land. I owe nothing to them but I can't help but feel as if I'm missing something. I've had odd, vivid dreams lately. In one of them, I was inside a beautiful room that seemed to be part of an estate or palace. I was sitting by the fireplace and I remember feeling the gentle stroke of fingers through my dark brunette hair. As soon as I had come to my senses, I tried to turn around and see who the person touching me was. Except every time I did so, I would wake up. The strange thing about this dream is that I remember being in the room, in front of the fireplace with someone's fingers through my hair. It is impossible though. I've been by myself for most of my life. These dreams make no sense but strangely enough, I feel comfortable in them; as if I finally belonged somewhere.

I was suddenly interrupted by Leyton's shout, "Teagan wants everyone at the table for breakfast in 5 minutes!"
I shoved back the covers of my straw bed and reached down towards my pile of clothes. I chose my normal cream coloured dress and slipped it on, watching the other orphans slowing rising from their beds. Soon, everyone was scrambling for the table where warm food was placed. I walked over and took a seat in my usual spot. Teagan came into the room whilst we were all busily eating. "I hope you all had fun at the market yesterday but today we all need to get back to work alright? All of the boys can go out and collect firewood...the weather will get cooler soon. Very quickly in fact. All you girls, can help me prepare the bags of food we bought yesterday for the cold months."

We all groaned playfully until Teagan gave us a sharp look. Then, we returned to our chatter as we finished our breakfast.


Regina's POV

How could it be? It's been 16 years since I lost Daniella and the girl which Wilma described yesterday is only 10! I don't know what to believe; If the girl is my daughter, she couldn't have ended up in a different realm. Portals don't just appear out of no where...Leopold wouldn't have taken extra measures to make sure that Daniella was sent into another realm. He was afraid of magic, this isn't possible!

"You asked to see me, Regina?" a soft voice inquired behind my back. I jumped at the voice and turned around to see my father looking concerned. He spoke up quietly, "Do you need anything? You've skipped breakfast for three days consecutively and now you're staring into that mirror of yours again. Haven't you already sent out guards to look for...."

"Don't!" I began, "...mention her. But no, this time I'm not thinking of that matter."

Father seemed surprised at my answer and I mentally scoffed. That brat doesn't deserve all my attention...even though I still need to get her heart and crush it. 

"Is something else troubling you? Regina, you can tell me what's wrong."

I sighed and walked over to my vanity. Opening one of the drawers, I got out a small jewellery box that held the ring given to me by Daniel. I slipped the ring onto my wedding finger, conscious that father was watching me with a concerned expression. He walked over and put his hand on my back, rubbing it soothingly. With a timid voice I haven't used much since my teenage years, I spoke, "Do you remember Daniella?"

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