Info on the sequel/sneak peek

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Hey readers!

Thank you so much for following up on Daniella's story. It's been two years since I wrote the very first chapter of 'Forest of Fireflies' and I'm just a tad emotional that this book has come to an end. However, the story isn't quite finished yet! Although the sequel will be much shorter, I can guarantee a wonderful ending for Daniella's tale. So, I present to you:

'City of Starlight' !!!

Please go check it out, because it's the second installment of 'Forest of Fireflies', and not just a random narrative to add onto the end of a story. I really hope you enjoy reading it. Oh, and I've attached a snippet from the first chapter of 'City of Starlight' down below. :) Once again, a huge thank you to all of you, for enduring nearly 100 chapters of my writing, haha! I love you all, and I look forward to hearing from you under the comments of 'City of Starlight'!

Love,  Jasmine


Snippet 1 of 'City of Starlight'

(Daniella's POV) 

Once we had all settled down on the couches in the library, Snow spoke up. Her question shocked mother and I. "Regina, if Rumpelstiltskin's powers were yours for the taking, would you take it?"

There was silence. She put down the goblet in her hand and tried to conceal the absurdity of the question as she answered carefully, "No. You've seen where the darkness has taken me..the people I've lost because of it." I took a sharp intake of breath as mother continued, "Why do you ask?" The three Charmings seem to have visibly let out a breath that they had been holding so with just a slight tone of annoyance and amusement in her voice, she said quickly, "Do you really think I'd undo the future I've been trying to build for my daughter, these past five years?"

Emma replied, "No, we don't doubt you. Which is why we have to ask you to help us. Mr Gold has well..."

In a low voice, mother growled, "What has he done now?"

"He wanted to rid himself of the darkness, so he stole the author's pen from Henry and tried to write himself a new story; one where he isn't the Dark One," David replied. I gripped the goblet in my hand tightly. "Has he succeeded?"

"Yes and no. He partially got what he wanted, but not in a good way," Henry began. "His heart was darkening from all the dark things that he has committed and it's getting back to him. Belle's looking after him right now, but she told us everything we needed to know. She gave Emma the dagger so that we could help him." After looking at the cursed blade that Emma drew out from her belt, Mother frowned and shook her head, "Henry, I don't understand."

"He's dying. Actually, he's unconscious right now. By forcing the pen to give him a new story, he has isolated the darkness from himself, but he will die if someone doesn't take in the dark magic. Belle told us that the darkness will always inhabit somebody, and the first person they will look for, is the one with the darkest heart."

"Me," was all mother whispered. 


Snippet 2 of 'City of Starlight'

*This snippet is interesting, as we are introduced to Daniella's sister (child of Lena and Daniel), who has grown up in the Land of Magic, without knowledge of her Enchanted Forest background. It might be helpful to keep in mind, that time runs differently across realms. Hence, Aurelie is 14 years old whilst Daniella is 16 years old. 

(Aurelie's POV)

My heart thumped against my chest as I dug my fingernails along the frayed edges of the wood and into the crack of the floorboard. I latched into the pulp and lifted my hand slightly. The plank moved a bit. I held my breath, growing more impatient by the second. This is it. This has to be it. 

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