Just as Deadly - 1

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I think he knew when he had me fooled. It was the first time he touched my wrist; my cold, mechanic wrist. Maybe he sensed that my wiring was sending shockwaves to my very human heart. I think he saw my cyborg eyes glow a little brighter and felt my heart beat a little faster. I think he felt my intake of air as well as the exhale that landed like a hummingbird on his shoulders: nervous and excited. For what?

For the future. A future without the Queen ruling over us like we were all disposable. I wanted a future where I was more than just her maid. More than just a rebel. I wanted a future where you were less than just her son. Her only son. I should have guessed. I should have known. But, now all I can do is wait.

Wait in this stupid cell, for what? They would know eventually. All of the rebellion would know. They would come storming into the castle like horses and men into battle: fierce with flames on their heels. They would come. He would die for betraying me. I laughed at the thought. I would be the one to drive the dagger into his heart. Just like he did mine.

"Shut up you stupid immortal." The guard shouted from outside my wooden door. I just chuckled. I dug my finger into the wall, marking another sunrise that I have been holed up in this cell. I stood up, my metal groaning in protest from moving from the comfort the solid floor and cool wall brought me. But I had to see, I had to see outside the window.

Thirty one days. That's how long I've been stuck in here. The mechanic crow came to the field. My father's invention, if you must know. Black with the with iron wings flapping against the smog infested sky. The wires were showing. It's red eyes were glowing like something possessed. And I suppose he was. I would have to have father fix that when I saw him again. The crow landed on the wire gate just outside the prisoner's compound. I smirked. Father made that bird so smart. He could sense the electric fence around the compound. If only he made me half as smart. Then, maybe, I wouldn't be in this mess.

I think that Prince knew he had me fooled when he saw me smile when he put roses and daisies in my onyx colored hair. Dark as night he'd whisper. And just as beautiful.

I smiled at the memory. I fingered the dirty curls. Dark as night. I thought. And just as deadly.

I turned so that the crow's eyes met mine. It's memories seeped into the wiring in my mind. I heard my father's fervent whispers.

They're coming for you, Alix. They're coming by the hundreds. They've heard of the Prince's deception and they've heard of your fury. The rebellion will come two sunrises from today. The Prince sits on his pedestal proud as a peacock. He sits with ladies wearing furs and jewels and a crown made of fire and ice. He thinks you beaten. I hear my father chuckle. He does not know that his . . . betrayal has only awoken the beast. I unconsciously nod my head in agreement and let a low chuckle grace my rose- colored lips. What a beast I must look like! An immortal cyborg with a rats nest for hair and glowing black eyes. A human face with a robots body. A human heart with a robots veins. I've got to go now, but Alix, my father takes a breath, please be careful and please send his body six feet under after you've destroyed the crown. I take a deep breath. The crow closes it's eyes and falls to the ground.

I guess father won't be needing to fix those wires after all. 

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