Sleepover and night outs.

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I walk downstairs and see Jace's dad looking around for something in the fridge...he holds up a soda. "You want one?" He asks.
"No thanks, i have this," i say holding up the glass of water i had.
"Hey, you ok? You've been quiet.." he says.
"Yeah, just...studying with Clary," I say signaling to upstairs.
"Hmmm, is that how you say it now?" He asks. I blush.
"Clary isn't that type of person..." I explain.
"I know, I know...she's a nice girl..." he says. "You know...there was a time that Valentine and I....we were friends... he was a good man..." he says.
"And he still is" I say. "Or well, at least that's what clary says..." I add haistily. "What happened between you two?" I ask.
"Oh, well, Jocelyn didn't exactly like me..." he explains. "Not her type of people I guess" all of a sudden I felt embarrassed to have a mother like that. "Good night Son," he says and goes upstairs.
"Night dad.." I say.

I go up the stairs and see Izzy crying on the ledge. Oh god, she's crying. I think distastefully. "Izzy.."
"Yeah?" she cries.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"No.." he bursts out sobbing. God dammit
"What happened?" I ask.
"It's Simón ...I know he's seeing other guys" she cries.
"No...he wouldn't do that.." I say as I put my bag next to my feet.
"Then why did I see his tongue down another guys throat!?" She asks.
"Did you see who she was?" I ask
"No...they were in his car..but I could see clearly what they were doing!" She cries. "Why are men such idiots?!" She asks. "And why am I asking you? You're the one who knows less about men than anyone on earth" she says sniffing. I look away. "Sorry,"
"No, it's ok," I say.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that"
"No, you're right,"
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok, what do i know about men?" I ask. You know...except for the fact that I am one!
"I'm such an idiot! I know how Simon is!" She sobs.
"Why do you go out with him?" I ask her.
"Because when I came here to this school, I felt completely invisible! But then I went out with Simon and started to be friends with Kaelie, and then people started seeing me.. and that made me happy, I'm just scared of feeling invisible again" she cries.
"Theres a lot of people who feel that way...more than you think" like me...I feel invisible when scouts come and go, they just look at the smart ass's or the nerds nowadays. Not the football team.
"You're're you no matter what anyone thinks.." Izzy says. "I admire you Clary.." she says.
I walk into Izzy's room. Kaelie and Aline were already inside the room. "This is my room, and this is Mr.Stinky" Izzy says as she walks in and grabs an old stuffed bear. "You need to meet him!" She says. Kaelie goes up to her.
"Why is this crazy girl here?! We never invite her!" She hisses.
"I'm, clary's cool, and she just wants to socialize, right?" Izzy asks.
"Of course, can't wait 'till we put on our Pj's!" I say. I really, can't wait. One male and three females in short sexy pj's....and I'm still a girl....dammit!
" you finally found the error that you live by?" Kaelie asks.
"Yup, this girl just wants to have fun.." I grin.
"Ok! Let's put on our Pj's!!!!" Kaelie then gets on the bed with the girls and starts to jump on it with them as they squeal excitedly. Then they start to strip off their clothes. Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean i can't check them least now I can do it without getting slapped...yup, I change my mind, I'm definitely in heaven.

"Ugh! I can't wait to get in there, look at all these hotties!" Simon says looking at some drunk girls. Alec couldn't make it, he got busy with Magnus.
"What about Izzy?" I ask.
"Huh?" Simon asks as he looks at the back seat of his car. "Nope, don't see her," he says.
"Do you really want to trade the love of a very lovely woman for the adrenaline of only one night?" I ask. Simon just starts laughing.
"Oh my god! You're just absolutely hilarious man! We have to hang out more!" Simon says. "You've always believed in all that loyalty shit haven't you?" I snap my head towards Simon. Jace is loyal? "Besides, tonight, I'll fall in love quickly," he says winking at me.
"What?" I ask.
"You know how it works, a few drinks, and your mind flies out the window," he says. "Then I end up kissing some hot girl....or I end up in a dark alley drunk off my ass with you confessing my undying love to you" He says. "And I don't think either of us wants that to happen," Simon laughs. "C'mon, let's go have fun!" He says as he gets out of the car.

The music was on and we were all In our pj's. Kaelie was giving me a......a.....She was giving me something! It's the word you use for saying painting your toenails...a pedihure? Pediture? I don't know! It was Pedi something. "Hey Kaelie, I herd that you're not going out with Jace..." I say.
"Ugh, that already ended" she scoffs rolling her eyes.
"You two used to be the perfect couple!" Izzy says. Kaelie sits up.
"I only went out with him because he's captain of the football team, without me he's just another stupid guy with his brain in his pants" she says. I gasp as my eyes widen. "Which would be fine except he isn't exactly smart in bed either," Kaelie says then the girls laugh. I glare at them. Says the girl who wants to get laid every single damm night... she used to always say that I was amazing in bed. Basic bitch just wants to look good I. Front of her skanks!

It's a boy girl thing (Clace style) (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now