elsen kareem

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where are they?"
"i don't know, el. they'll be back soon, dont worry. lets go to bed" i responded with a smile

i couldn't go to sleep that night, my mom and dad haven't got home for days. they said they're leaving for a week, but 2 days passed and we were still alone.

i was freaking out just like my sister but i didn't show it, i kept telling her that everything is going to be okay, that our parents will be home one day.

it was the next week and i couldn't just stay at home and hope for the best, i had to do something, i had to look out for them. i took my coat and my boots, and all of the sudden, the phone rang and my sister picked the phone up.

"mom? "

"Eliza? is Elsen there? "

"oh, uncle josh. she's here"

she gave the phone to me

"Uncle josh? Are mom and dad there?" i spoke with chills

"Um.. Elsen, im so sorry but we're not sure about your parents right now, we have feeling that they're lost somewhere. we'll do our best to find them"

"Allahuakbar." that word just slipped my mouth

i could see eliza staring at me with fear and hope that everything is fine.

"Im so sorry, as i told you we'll do our best to find them, we just wanted to make sure that you and eliza are okay"

no, we're not okay. im not okay.

"Um.. T-thank you, uncle josh. please find them for us, Assalamualaikum"

i hang up the phone, i couldn't speak to him any longer.

"Elsen? "

what should i say to her?

"Um.. El, i think mom and dad aren't going to be home for a while, they're having some difficulties during the war. they will inform us if something happened to them. we're going to be okay"

i tried to speak calmly and put a little smile and hoping that she wouldn't freak out like i did, but i could saw the fear in her eyes.

"are you sure they're going to be alright? "

"Yes, el. Trust me"

she went to her room, and so did i
i closed to door, i crawled to my bed, crying.

i couldn't stop crying, i was freaking out. they were not just lost like it wasn't a big deal, they were lost in a war. only god knows if they're safe in that moment.

it's been a few days, i couldn't sleep. and i kept telling eliza that mom and dad will be home however.

i sat on the floor, i cried. i felt hopeless and desperate. they're probably dead now, they might not come back, they might leave me and eliza alone.

i knew i should think positively at this moment, but how could you think positively while your parents are nowhere to be found.

i thought, im an orphan, im not normal, i don't have mommy and daddy by my side anymore.

i don't have a figure of father, a person that would calm me down after a rough day at school.

since i was a kid, the only thing i want was to be normal. but at the end of the day, how could i be normal when the mutant blood is still in me?

i despised my power, people think it's cool but most of my friends bullied me for that, they said i might somehow be a thread to them, to this planet, that's what they said.

at that moment, i don't think about how my parents would survive, but how would i survive without them.

it's been weeks, and uncle josh called us again.

"Elsen? "

"Mhm? " i lifted my head

"Uncle josh is on the phone right now"

i stood with hope, hope that my parents are found, and safe.

i took the phone

"Uncle josh? Is there any progress? "

"im so sorry but, no. we haven't found your parents yet, we just wanted to ask you if you and eliza would probably want to go back to new york while we're looking out for your parents "

"New york?"

"Yes, you probably have a family there, we cant let you and eliza be here alone, you and eliza can go back to new york if you want to"

"Um.. I will think about it, uncle josh. i'll call you soon"

"Okay, we will give you a week to decide. it's probably hard Elsen, but this is for your own good"

"Yes, uncle josh. thank you for your concern"

i hang up the phone.

"What is it, Elsen? "

"They asked me if we want to go back to new york"

"But we have no one there, and what if they found mom and dad? "

those words always slapped me.

"Well, they gave us a week to decide, so we need to really think about this. if they found mom and dad, they will call us, dont worry"


i wanted to go back to new york, i've missed that place. but we dont have a family that actually care there. if we move, we have to live alone. but i thought it's better than staying here, Palestine. this country always reminds me of war, and the possible death of my parents

it's been a week, and we decided to move to new york. eliza still think that our parents would somehow survived, because i kept telling her that.

i want nothing but the best for her, she was the only one i had.

just before we left, i went to the storage, where my father kept most of his weapons. i took some of them.

he was a soldier. so, since i was a kid, he taught me how to fight and how to use weapons, mostly how to control my powers.

i thought again, what did my parents left me? what thing did they gave me so i can be stronger? so that i can defend myself?

i knew they left me for a couple of weeks and might not ever come back, but i already know the answer, they gave me skills, ability, power, and belief.

they know that i can go through this, that i can save myself, and my sister.
they believe in me.

and we left the country, went back to new york city.


hello and welcome :))

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