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+Red Army Base: Leader Section+

Tom had his hands over his mouth as he looks at the two people on the bed. Eyes watering behind his googles and threatening to spill.

Tord didn't know how to explain this situation to his love. He's clearly naked under the sheets of the blanket, hugging him a woman who is in the same state as he.

When he saw Tom take a step back, ready to run out, he spoke up.

"Tom wait- This isn't what it looks like!"

Tom's eyes keep glitching, unsure of which emotion he wants to show. Instead they turn off to the black screen. He turns around and slams the door close on his way out.

"Wow, pretty embarrassing for him to walk in on us like that, eh handsome?" Jessica says as she moves her bangs to the side. She slide closer to Tord, putting her hand on his bare chest and lays her head against his shoulder. "Seriously, as your second in command, should'd he know manners to knock before entering your personal quarters."


"Hm?" The Black Army spy hums not catching what the Red Leader said. "What was that honey?"

"Out!" Tord exclaims as he pushes her away from himself.

She falls off the other side of bed revealing Tord's mistakes. He could see all his wrong doings, the problem he created because of his drunk self. Hickeys and bite marks should not be littering her sink, they weren't suppose to be for her.

"What do you mean out?!" Jessica exclaims getting off the floor.

Tord picks his boxers and pants off the floor and quickly slips them on with decency using the blanket to keep him covered. He ignores her so he could be quick to go catch up with Tom.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" She shouts at him.

After he slips his red hoodie back on he turns to Jessica with a furious look. "Soldier go back to your room! I don't want to see you in my sights for the rest of the day." He storms out of the bedroom after picking his jacket up.

Jessica is left confused as she's left in the dark about what just happened.

+With Tom+

The leader in blue ran, ran as fast he possibly could from the tainted room. Mouth covered with one of his hands while he was sure tears finally spill from his eyes.

He need to talk to someone. Not his soldiers, they would surely try to do something.

Tom let his running feet take him all the way to the radio tower. He enters the elevator of the blue radio tower and clicks to go up to the top floor. Alone in the elevator her tries to stop crying but he can't. All he feels is betrayal and pain in his heart.

The elevator jerks to a stop as it gets to the top. When the elevator opens he walks out. Soldiers turn to greet the person who came out, but their smiles drop to worrisome expression when they see their leader crying.

"Blue Leader?!"

"Why are you crying?!"

"Did something happen?!"

'Jehovah, what did he do to deserve all these wonderful people worried about him...' He wonders to himself. His head department chair for the Radio department, Henry, comes over quickly. "Hey Henry." His tone sounding broken.

"Oh Blue..." It hurts to see their leader like this. He wraps the man in a hug, "What's wrong?"

"I need to hide from Red Leader for awhile." The brunet tells him with a sniff. Blue soldiers look amongst each other and Henry gives them the signal to play everything cool is Red Leader shows up. "I would also like to contact Edd to talk to him."

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