Attention Lawson Brothers

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~+Four Months: Medical Ward+~

The Lawson family has been in and out of the medical ward visiting Tomi in his coma state sleep. Tom came most often to check on his son for the sake he still looks healthy. Tord came with Amy and Grace regularly to make sure he's recovering  with the right fluids going through his IV. Tika came with Asher and Will most times to bring a couple of familiar stuff such as Tomee Bear or drawings.

Torm on the other hand could not bring himself to step foot into Tomi's medical room in the day time. He stayed locked up in his shared bedroom for the day. It made Asher have to move into Tika's room with Tord making Seth keep watch of the boy at all times.

However, in the dead of the night, Torm would leave his room with no sound to awaken the others. Like now he snuck into Tomi's private medical room, avoiding the night soldiers, and took a seat close to his little brother's bedside.

He gently slips his hand into Tomi's and holds it.

"Tomi... please wake up..."

It would be like this every other night.

The voices in his head telling him it's not enough, reminding him he's a failure of a brother.

Torm stood up from his seat and gently scoots his brother over a bit on the bed. He gets on the bed to lie down next to Tomi.

'How long has it been since we last did this?' The devil wonders watching his sleeping brother breath in even breaths. He kept holding his brother's hand, never letting it go even when he got on the bed.

"Hey Tomi? Remember that one time we painted Father with the paintball guns we found. It was so funny that Mother even started laughing so hard he fell on the ground with us." He rests his forehead against Tomi's and closes his eyes. It was one of their favorite memories together.

Torm chuckles softly, "What about that time we we hung out with Ace? We went to the forest line and built a little tree house. Mother was so happy to see our new little hideout and Father gave a thumbs up with our handy work." He could remember the day so clear in his mind. Tom and Tord are standing next to each other smiling happily, Ace as usual sucking on his lollipop by the ladder. Tomi sitting on in the doorway of the treehouse, letting his legs dangle out as he kicks them back and forth.

Red eyes open, looking at Tomi who has yet to respond to him.

"I'm sorry Tomi..." Behind his goggles, tears slowly collected in the corner of his blind eyes. "I'm so sorry..."

He wraps his free arm around his brother.

"Please wake up..."

He kisses Tomi's cheek.

"I miss you."

With those words, he slips to sleep next to his little brother.


Torm left the bed in the morning to go get some breakfast before going back to Tomi. He met with Sadie in the kitchen, she was glad to him out of his room now.

"Torm! You finally came out of you Little hell hole!"

The devil rolls his eyes at her but smiles none the less a little bit. "I do need to eat, I'm hungry."

"I got just the thing for you." Sadie turns back to the stove to while up something for the teen. Torm walks over to the table inside the kitchen and takes a seat on the chair next to it.

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