Chapter 3 - Lessons

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 3 – Lessons

Senior Undersecretary Umbridge Found Guilty of Child AbuseBy Anna Jesse When Headmistress McGonagall of Hogwarts was unable to find a candidate for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Minister Fudge decided to help her by providing an instructor from his staff. Little did he know that his Senior Undersecretary Delores Umbridge, who volunteered as soon as Fudge announced the opening, had evil intentions for our children. She had smuggled out thirty blood-quills, a highly restricted item which cuts your hand as you write, allowing you to sign in your own blood. They are intended solely for the purpose of signing magically binding documents. Although they're not allowed outside of the Ministry building, she brought them into Hogwarts. Her reason was so that she could torture students in detention by making them write lines utilizing those blood quills. Fortunately, her first victims, a pair of fifth-year Ravenclaws, recognized the restricted items and had the aurors brought in. "I simply could not believe her abominable behavior!" stated Fudge after this disturbing news was brought to his attention. "How could anyone be so cruel to children?" It was easy to tell from the expression on his face that he was both horrified and angry. He moved for a trial as soon as possible, so yesterday, the day after Umbridge was arrested, she had her trial in front of the full Wizengamot. She was sentenced to ten years in Azkaban following Fudge's plea to make her an example to all who wish our children harm. Following the trial, and upon recommendation by Amelia Bones, he assigned Auror Tonks, one of the arresting officers, to fill the vacant teaching position. "Do you see that picture of Umbridge in prison clothes?" asked Harry while chuckling at the article he and his girlfriend were reading. "And I thought she was already ugly," she agreed. "It looks like Fudge chose to save his own hide rather than help his pet toad." "I never doubted he would. All the parents would've shown up at the Ministry with torches and pitchforks ready to lynch him if he hadn't," said Padma, who was sitting across from them with her own copy of the Daily Prophet. "You've got that right," agreed Hermione. "If there's one thing that can cause otherwise docile people to revolt, it's hurting their kids." "I just can't believe Umbridge actually believed that we'd be too stupid and stubborn to report her," commented Harry. Changing the topic, he said, "I can't wait for Tonks' lesson. It should be the best Defense class we've had." "No doubt," agreed Padma, sounding distracted. She was looking down at the table. "What's wrong?" Hermione asked. "It's Terry," she replied, indicating Terry Boot, who was sitting nearby. "What about him?" asked Harry, wondering what his dorm mate had done. "If he's been bothering you..." "He hasn't done anything to me. He's just been...the last few days he's been staring at me a lot, and it's got me a bit unnerved." "Maybe I should talk to him about it," suggested Harry, although he had a pretty good idea what it was about. "After all, I do bunk with him." "No, that's all right. I..." "It's no trouble. If I don't, then I'll be wondering about it, whether or not I should kick his..." "Harry, language!" interrupted his girlfriend. "Sorry, dear," he replied, faking penitence. "I'm just not as creative as you are; able to express myself without resorting to vile profanity. I should be given a huge dunce cap to wear all over Hogwarts that says I'm incapable of communicating without..." "That's enough, Harry," replied his girlfriend, giggling. "I don't mean to be a nag, but I really don't want you to develop that habit. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to put up with you for a very long time." Her expression had changed to a sultry look that demanded a romantic response. "I hope so," he replied, leaning toward Hermione to kiss her. Padma buried her head in her hands, muttering, "Can't they at least wait until after breakfast?"


"...and that concludes the meeting," announced Hermione. They'd finished informing the C.A.R.E. members about the latest news, which included a new law passed in France banning House Elf abuse, as well as listing the newest families convicted of that crime in England. The number of violators was lessening every year. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go to the library." She kissed Harry goodbye and left headquarters, formerly known as Hagrid's hut. The other members filed out of the room as Harry watched.

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