Chapter 7 - Voldemort is on the Move

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 7 – Voldemort is on the Move

"Welcome to the Ravenclaw-Slytherin Quidditch match!" shouted Lee Jordan as the players began to fly toward the center of the pitch. The huge crowd cheered in response. In the five weeks since Dumbledore's funeral, life had gone on as usual.

Minerva had mentioned to her nephew and niece that Albus' portrait had awakened and they'd discussed how, in his last few years, he'd come to understand that he had been wrong about several things, and he'd never have realized that if she hadn't actually held him accountable for his actions. It had been so long since he'd had to answer to anyone for his decisions, and he'd been treated with such reverence, that he'd begun to believe himself infallible. She'd shown him that he wasn't, and for that he was genuinely thankful. It had allowed him to be much more useful toward the end of his life.

"This is the first time Harry Potter-McGonagall has played since his true heritage came out, and he's playing on a real Firebolt!" The excitement in the multitude gathered in the stands doubled. It took about thirty seconds for Jordan to continue. "You may recall that the last time these teams played each other, Draco Malfoy was riding a fake Firebolt..."


"Sorry, Professor McGonagall, but you've got to admit it was funny." The crowd laughed as Malfoy, astride his Nimbus 2001, took his position as Slytherin Seeker. His face was turning pink. Harry took his position as Ravenclaw's Seeker as each team member was announced. Roger Davies shook hands with the Slytherin captain before the Snitch was released. Once it was out of sight, Madam Hooch announced, "Let the game begin!"

"It seems weird being here in the stands," commented Hermione, who was sitting with Padma and Terry in the Ravenclaw section. She'd opted out of Quidditch this year because of her OWLs.

"I suppose it would," agreed Padma, "but at least now you can watch Harry more closely."

"True," she agreed while admiring her boyfriend as he flew as naturally as a bird.

"Davies has the Quaffle!" announced Lee, bringing their attention back to the action. They watched as Roger Davies swooped up and down, left and right to avoid being robbed. "Crabbe hits a Bludger toward him! He's passed the Quaffle to Bradley just before being hit. Ouch! That's gotta hurt!"

Hermione agreed with the announcer. Roger had been hit in the face and it looked as if his nose was broken. She knew he was too stubborn to get it looked at before the game was over, so she didn't comment on it.

"There's no way I'd keep playing like that," commented Padma.

"That's why you didn't try out for the team," replied Hermione with a grin.

"Bradley approaches the right hoop. Will it go in? It's a fake-out! He gets the Quaffle through the left hoop! Take that, Slytherin!"


"Sorry, Headmistress." Hermione noted that Harry's Aunt Minnie didn't really look upset about Lee's comment. The truth is that if she were offended at his particular brand of announcing, there'd have been no way he'd have lasted all these years as commentator.

The game went on and Slytherin managed to get goals in as well, much to Jordan's disgust, which he made known in his own humorous way, before apologizing to Professor McGonagall. The score was 180 to 150, in favor of Slytherin, before Lee shouted, "It looks like Harry Potter has seen the Snitch! Look at him go in that Firebolt! The acceleration is..."

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