Chapter 8 - Confrontation

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 8 – Confrontation

"Vol de moi?" replied the Dark Lord, his red eyes glowing in anger. The surrounding Death Eaters, along with Nagini, were spreading out to face the students that had exited the recently crashed Hogwarts Express behind Harry. "Are you daring to imply that I flee from you?"

"That's what you did at our last meeting," Harry answered with a smirk. "It might not be perfect French grammar, but I think it gets the point across."

"I'm not running from you today, Potter!" he hissed. "Today, we're going to end our little rivalry. I'm going to break you, Harry. After today, if people still speak of you at all, it'll be of how you begged for death, and I, being a merciful lord, granted it."

Doing his best to look confident, the Boy-Who-Lived responded, "You're welcome to try." Then, he pointed his wand and thought, "Reducto!" beginning the battle.


Just a few minutes before, a shaken up and bruised Ginny Weasley had gotten up from where she'd fallen as the train crashed. After she made sure she didn't have any major injuries, she started making her way toward the nearest exit, knowing that someone would have to fight the monsters that had attacked a train full of students. When she heard Tom Riddle, for that was how she thought of the Dark Lord, shout for Harry to come out and fight, the youngest Weasley knew that if he were conscious, her friend and rival Seeker would face the madman. She decided that, even if, according to the prophecy, he would have to personally kill Voldemort, he wouldn't be facing all the Death Eaters as well. As others joined her, she realized that they weren't about to let Harry fight their battles, either.

She wasn't surprised when Harry Potter-McGonagall walked out and began insulting Tom, and was ready when one of the masked Death Eaters started firing on her. She dodged out of the way quickly and sent a cutting hex at him, which her opponent managed to shield. However, this allowed her to take the initiative as she fired curse after curse as he blocked them all. Then, from behind her, she heard another Death Eater say the dreaded words, "Avada Kedavra."


"It sounds like the battle has started," commented Brianna to Hermione. The Chosen One's sister had stopped bleeding from her head under the older girl's care. Her brother's girlfriend had her wand out with one eye staring around them, looking for any motion, while her other hand was trying to make her comfortable.

"I suppose so," she replied while glancing around them again.

"I wish I could be in the fight," said Brianna. "You don't have to stay. I'll..."

"I am not going to leave you alone," Hermione interrupted.

At that moment, almost from out of nowhere, a huge snake snapped at Hermione, who barely dodged out of the range of its fangs. She started shooting spells at it that seemed to just bounce off its scales as it changed its intended victim to the prone girl with a broken leg. Brianna managed to shout, "Reducto!" blasting one of the serpent's eyes, causing it to hiss loudly. It opened its mouth wide, making ready to strike in revenge. Unfortunately for Nagini, her lack of a right eye stopped her from noticing Hermione get into position, until it was too late.

"Reducto!" Hermione shouted, shooting into the snake's open mouth. The blast penetrated the beast's brain, causing instant death.

"That was close," whispered Brianna.

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