Chapter 4 - Aperio Animus Navis

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Harry Potter and all characters, etc. belong to J.K. Rowling, not me.

Harry Potter-McGonagall – Chapter 4 – Aperio Animus Navis

"Aperio Animus Navis," said Hermione as she pointed her wand at her Transfiguration textbook with a flick and twist. A black light left her wand and hit its target, which glowed pure white for a second before returning to normal.

"So," declared Harry with a grin, "Now we've established that your textbook isn't a Horcrux." They were sitting in a corner of RavenclawTower shortly after he returned from his meeting with Mr. Dumbledore.

"I had to make sure I had the spell right," countered his girlfriend. "We can't very well try testing everything between your aunt's office and the Entrance Hall before I've mastered the spell, can we?"

"Of course not, dear," he replied. "And I suppose I shouldn't joke about a book being one of those foul creations."

"I still can't believe that Dumbledore wanted to waste an entire year slowly getting around to teaching you about them. I'm glad you put a stop to that."

"So, we're going to be checking things out during our rounds?" questioned Harry.

"Yes. I think that's the best time. Otherwise, too many people will see us and ask what we're doing."

"I suppose you're right," he agreed. "How much longer 'til we leave?"

"About twenty minutes."


And so, the Horcrux Hunt began. The young couple carefully and slowly walked all over the seventh floor testing everything. Broom cupboards, from which they ejected snogging couples after removing house points, were checked. Every empty classroom was checked – the desks, chalkboards, windows, doorknobs, everything – on that floor before Harry and Hermione did their normal rounds.

"Well, at least we've established that the Horcrux isn't on the seventh floor," commented Harry while they were walking down the stairs.

"I guess so," conceded Hermione, who seemed disappointed. "I suppose that it was a bit foolish to believe we'd find it on the first night."

"I hoped we'd find it, too."

"Anyway, we've used up enough time searching that floor, so we'll have to hurry up to finish our rounds."

"Yes, ma'am," Harry agreed as he sped up. They continued their rounds holding hands as they searched for rule-breakers.

They had reached the fourth floor when they noticed that one of the broom cupboards was slightly moving. "It looks like we've found another happy couple," commented Harry with a smirk. "Shall I do the honors?" he asked. Hermione nodded. He pointed his wand and incanted, "Alohomora," and nothing happened.

"Great," commented Hermione as she got her wand out of its holster. "A creative couple." She performed a more complex spell, quickly overpowering the charm that had been placed there.

As the door was opening, Harry said, "You've got to admit that this couple was..." As he recognized the girl that had her lips locked with a boy he didn't know, the Boy-Who-Lived's face turned red with anger. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the couple that was now separating before him. "BRIANNA!!!!!!" he shouted loudly enough to wake the castle. His sister actually looked frightened and embarrassed. Now Harry's focus turned to the villain who had just been snogging his little sister. "What's the name of this ba..."

"Harry, language!" scolded Hermione as she placed her left hand on his right, which was currently holding a wand from which sparks were flying. "Calm down."

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