Chapter 5

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Shannon's P.O.V

I woke up feeling something heavy around my waist. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

I took my blanket off of me to see Luke's arm wrapped around me tightly and protectively. I tried wiggling out of his arms but that just caused them to tighten around me.

"Good morning beautiful!" Luke said with a sleepy grin on his face. I smiled and blushed back at how cute he was being.

"Good morning! Can you please let me go? I need to pee!" I said while blushing. Luke chuckled at me and took his arm off of me.

Luke.H P.O.V

Oh my god! She's so cute when she blushes! I can't get that stupid proud grin of my face because I made her blush.

I got up and got dressed in black skinny jeans and my nirvana t-shirt and black vans. I waited patiently outside the bathroom for Shannon to come out.

Calum's P.O.V

I am sitting in the kitchen with the brooks brothers eating lucky charms laughing at their inappropriate jokes.

When there was a light cough at the door. There stood Emma looking absolutely may I say sexy in black short shorts, a white tank top and white converses.

"Morning!" I smiled widely at her.

"Hey! Good morning!" she said with a little wink towards me. Holy shit is this girl trying to kill me like holy shit I'm hard by her just winking at me god what is wrong with me? I can just imagine myself putting her against..........

I knocked out of my day dream about Emma by jai asking me a question.

"So mate got a girlfriend?" he asked with a smirk playing on his lips. I noticed Emma lifted her head in my direction to see my answer.

"No, no I don't!" I said and looked at Emma who now had a small smile on her face.


Hey guys :)

Small chapter sorry :( I'm updating tomorrow I'll try make that one long :)

I feel like I'm rushing Luke and Shan's relationship :( what do u guys think ?

What about Calum and his kinkyness towards Emma ? :D

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter please :)

Please VOTE and COMMENT :) it puts a smile on my face when I see people voting or commenting it means a lot to me <3

Love, Shan :) x

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