Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: If I Can't Have You

The rain started to hit the window in the living room harder, making it harder to hear my cartoons. I sighed as I turned up the television. I was by myself since Harry was off somewhere with Liam, I think, and Louis hadn't come out of his room all day, and it was almost three.

"This weather is depressing. Why do we live in England again?"

I turned and smiled at my brother. "Ask the woman who gave birth to you."

Louis groaned and sat down next to me. "Women," he said with a scoff.

"What's wrong with us?" I asked, taking offense.

He glared at me. "You're all so untrusting."

"What? That's such a lie!" I argued. "Who's untrusting?"

"My ex-girlfriend," he muttered.



Wait, if she's his ex then that means... "What happened?" I asked sympathetically.

"She dumped me," he said quietly.

I frowned. "Why?"

"She didn't believe me."

"But at the interview, just three days ago, you said you were together. What happened from then to now?"

"I don't know. She changed her mind, I guess." Louis sighed and sank into the couch. "We were fine on Sunday."

"I'm sorry," I said sadly. "I know you really liked her."

He sighed. "Yeah..."

I frowned and hugged him. “Maybe she’ll change her mind again.”

“Doubt it,” He said with a heavy sigh. He pulled away from me and laid back. “She said we could still be friends.”

“See! That’s better than nothing!” I said with a smile.

He rolled his eyes. “It’s just lovely.”

“It’s either that of nothing, Lou.”

“I know, I know,” he sighed.

“There will be other girls, don’t worry. Girls throw themselves at you. You’re bond to find another one soon.”

“Ha, yeah,” He said, forcing a smile. “Well at least you’re happy.”

I faked my smile. I’m just so freaking happy. “Yeah, well.”

“So, what do you want to do today?” He asked, changing the subject.

“Well, it’s kinda wet outside, so I don’t think we should go to the park…” I said as I pointed to the window.

Louis laughed and nodded. “Well, as far as I know, it’s just you and me today kid. Harry and Liam are off at the studio, Niall went somewhere with Frankie and Zayn went to have a haircut, I think.”

I nodded. “Well, we could-”

“It’s nice how you invite us over!”

I looked at Louis and he got up and walked over to the door.

“Where’s your sister? I’m not here for you Lou.” I suddenly recognized the voice. Michelle.

“Aww, I came to see you Louis,” Another voice said.

“Thank you, Frankie,” I heard Louis say.

“Hey Lou, got any food here?” I smiled, Niall here too.

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