Chapter 16

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"So this short cut." Cybelline stared at the wide expanse of land in front of her, ignoring the chilling wind as tore through the summit.

"What about it?" Jinon grunted as he shook the icicles from his mane, which clattered down the mountain and shattered into a million pieces.

"It's not much as a short cut as a long jump to our deaths." She said flatly as she looked down into the smooth sheets of icy granite and a few branches that formed the near vertical drop. Far below, a narrow road, made hazy by the clouds, snaked around the base of the mountain.

Jinon snorted, "Well I'm going to climb down." He glanced down the side of the mountain, "It's simple, just grab the rocks that won't drop you down a thousand feet." He glared at her, "If you die now, it'll be a huge inconvenience for me." 

"Right, because that's what I should be worried about. Inconveniencing an old man who uses his beard like a napkin."  Cybelline rolled her eyes and gestured "Anyways, age before beauty. If I fall, I'll take you with me."

"Coward. What's the use of that ridiculous strength of yours if you can't even climb down a little cliff?" Jinon clapped his together to warm them up.

"The better to kick you with." Cybelline muttered as she watched his head disappeared down the side of the mountain. She smiled wryly, she was more used to kicking people off cliffs than going over them herself.

"What's that?" He called as he quickly scaled down twenty feet.

"Just wishing you a long and healthy life." Cybelline replied and began to climb down as well. Her muscles protested after the long days of relentless travel and exercise but she relished the feeling of physical strength that came with being in the best condition. 

She was only a few feet down from the cliff when the boy she had met a few minutes ago came to the edge. His eyes were still covered by the thick black cloth but it didn't seem to impede his vision. The white cloak and white hair blew in the wind, giving him an elfin, ethereal look. 

"Why hello again." Cybelline looked up and roared over the strong winds. "Nice weather we're having."

The boy looked at her quizzically, "The blizzard is about to start any minute."

Cybelline blinked and looked at the sky, "Shit." She cursed at her own carelessness and yelled down at Jinon "Hey Big Beard! Storm's coming!"

"Better hurry up then!" Jinon replied, he grunted and slide down ten feet. His powerful hands crushing several rocks in the process, "And don't call me that!" 

"It'll take you at least the whole day to make it down the cliff in good weather." The boy's voice was cool and polite, he looked down at her, "It would not be advisable, come back up."

Cybelline looked down at the base of the mountain, it was now covered entirely by the thick black clouds.

"If you waste your time staring at that pretty face, I'll come up there and kick you down myself!" Jinon roared, "Girl, come! I did not live all this time only to die on the side of a cliff, waiting for teenagers to moon over each other."

"You're a girl?" The boy's eyes widened. Cybelline raised an eyebrow. He cleared his throat quickly, "My apologies. I should have guessed."

He thrust out a hand,  "I'm sure your companion will wait for you. No lady should have to bear this kind of condition"

Cybelline looked up at the hand, white as snow and without the burden of calluses. She grinned up at him, "No thanks. I think I'll break you if I squeeze too hard."

The boy opened his mouth and then closed it, he smiled gallantly, "You have a strange way of refusing. But I insist."

Cybelline sighed, "What's your name?"

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