Chapter 94

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The Dominion of Worlds - Realm of Rhia (Part 2)

The pain was in describable.

Cybelline felt a heat within her soul that was a million times stronger than the power she had ever experienced with the Fae tree.

Heat blossomed within her body and consumed her soul. It filled every inch, every cell, and every breath. She was pure energy and she was pure power.

"Find you Dominion Form. The form that you think will best protect this realm. Your form of power! Channel you power that way or you will be consumed!" Rhia cried.

"You know, you had a millions of years. you could have written a manual." Cybelline said as she gripped the white hot power. It was a million lighting bolts, it was rivers and waterfalls of fire, it was tornados, she felt as if she was being ripped apart from the inside

I am not going to die a third time. Cybelline thought. I have too many people who depend on me. I haven't saved them. Faces flashed before her, and Cybelline took a deep breath. She felt the pain and acknowledged it's presence.

What was her Dominion form? What was she? What did she want to be? What could she become?

And then she knew. After all this time, she knew what she was and she knew how to protect those she loved.

Cybelline was no longer in pain and no longer struggling with the power of a Dominion Goddess. She knew her true form, the form that would protect everyone she loved.

Her body took the white heat and turned it red and gold, her body was burning with the heat and viciousness of a lava. Cybelline's soul grew until she was as tall as the Dominion Tree of Rhia's true form.

Cybelline's soul was in the center as the outer form of her grew and grew, until it became a volcanic mountain, it's soil dark and rich. Darker than night. That is what her true form as a Dominion Goddess. Silent and immovable, she could protect and destroy. She could give life and bring death.

This was the new owner of the dominion, this was a signal of change. A signal that in the future, other Dominion gods and God Kings would come to fear. They would see the pitch black volcano and know that it was the Dark Queen's territory. They would all fear the Dark Queen.

But Cybelline did not stop growing as a mountain once she reached the height of the Dominion Tree. Instead she grew higher and larger, pushed the edge of the entire land outward until it was ten times the size of the original and she dwarfed Rhia's tree. Then, the earth began to shake.

The river roared and as the land grew, it grew in size as well, tripling in power as the dark volcano formed mountains and terrain. Waterfalls grew and split into more lakes and ponds. The realm pushed itself to grow with her, pushed itself to follow her commands to grow. Soaring mountains and forests of emeralds

Rivers of sapphire surrounded by fields of golden grass. Dark caverns and Icy glaciers all sprouted from this land of nothing as it was commanded. Life sprung in abundance as their mistress called for them to appear. This flat realm became a true dominion world.

You have arrived.

Cybelline remembered the vision she had a long, long time ago. Back when she first lived in Ithos and Myrai's house. It was a vision of a rich land and a grand tree. She thought it was the land in the ring. But she had been wrong.

That land was someone someone else had created. It belonged to the fae. But this land she made with her own power.

This was the land that had been waiting for her. This half-life realm under real would become a world underneath Cybelline's wings.

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