Chapter 100

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3 Months Later - The Dominion Lands - Home to Cybelline and her Dark Court

Cybelline sat, not on a throne but a plain wooden bench, people milled about, in and out as messengers flew from one world to the next. She looked at Rhia who stood, directing the vast network of messengers, her eyes bright with joy.

"You know, it's really not necessary..." Cybelline began for the tenth time.

"Nonsense." Rhia responded, "There are worlds who know of the Dominion Gods existence, we have to invite them."

"It seems like such a hassle." Cybelline grumbled as she looked over the picturesque world. Here was a world that truly thrived. It was teeming with life as new worlds were born and saplings of the world's tree was delivered to the larger, more pristine brooks, lakes, and ponds. Farmers, who once had been gods who served well, were reaping golden wheat in the distance.

Indeed, once Cybelline had taken over, the connections that had long been broken between Rhia's dominion and the old worlds were healed. Life moved forward once more and those worthy for godhood was elevated to the Dominion to live and prosper.

Cybelline lived in a plain brownstone house with beautiful yard, a duck pond, and a warrior.

She looked at Ithos and Myrai mournfully, "Do I have to?"

Ithos grinned, "No, child, not if you don't want to. And I'm sure that Killian will do whatever you want."

"But it's tradition." Rhia insisted, "The wedding of a Dominion Goddess is a blessed event. If we were on better terms with the other dominion gods then I would send out a missive. But..." She sighed. Her lands had been weak and powerless, under the threat of invasion of as long as she had been alive. She didn't know who or what to trust.

Cybelline watched the preparations that seemed endless and done with gusto by the hundreds of eager citizens with a little bit of trepidation, "But, maybe we could just..wait?"

Myrai placed a hand over Cybelline's mouth, "Hush child, you two have been so busy these past two years that if you wait once more, I'll be an old woman. And I want a grandchild."

"You're immortal." Cybelline said with an impish grin.

Ithos patted her shoulder, "This is more for Killian's sake than yours. He's asked me no less than twenty times what kind of wedding you want. He's chased after Myrai every day for foods you like. He's a good man. If you don't get married to him at this point, I might." Myrai swatted him on the back of the head.

"He's mine!" Cybelline said with a laugh, "I'm keeping him, I'd prefer to elope, that's all."

"Where?" Ithos wanted to know, "At least take us with you."

Cybelline's face turned serious, "I'm grateful that your both here. I know you wanted to follow Ryion back to our world and protect Miri."

Myrai looked down for a second and then cleared her throat, "We're happy she's learned so much. And with Ryion there..." She smiled, "He's always been a brother to her, even if he's not related in blood. We're grateful for his sacrifice, I just hope they both come home safe."

Cybelline nodded, "They will. We'll all be together again soon."

A delicious smell wafted from the kitchens as Cybelline's thoughts drifted back to that day...

Cybelline was happily munching on some chicken as she sat at the table, beside her Killian was sipping some wine.

"This is unbelievable." Cybelline said, her mouth full. Killian wiped some crumbs off her face and tucked her flame red hair behind her ears. "I'm glad. This is a recipe I found in a world across the river. I went down there to get it."

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