Chapter 52

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The fall of Pendratan was the biggest blow to the empire. The eyes of the world gazed with horror as the rise of Dycathion sounded the death knell of what is arguably one of the greatest military powers of the realms. Killian no only took Pendratan, but three more cities that had surrounded it. The young general had taken nearly a third of the kingdom.

For the longest time, three countries had maintained the balance of the land. Londaros, Dycathion, and Novoria. But now that half the Londarian kingdom had fallen, the world was preparing itself for the eventually that there would soon be one kingdom.

The myth of the young general grew as the man became even more enshrouded in mystery. Some said that he was the war god reborn on earth, bringing chaos and destruction to everything he touched. Others thought he was the sun god, the beautiful and terrible god who would bring light and fire to the world. But be it in any way that Lord Killian was described, it was in hushed, reverential tones. How could anyone be so powerful so young.

The large city of Pendratan knelt as they waited in welcome to their conqueror. Their eyes cast to the ground as mothers tried to stifle the terrified sobs of their children. Would this man order their city raped and pillaged? They had surrendered after two days when they heard that this man had dammed their river and then poisoned their water source. Without water, the city had nothing. The Lord Pendratan surrendered after he had heard and begged for the antidote for his people.

"Lord Kilian!" Lord Pendratan called out as he stood on the tallest parapet. Lord Killian looked up at the man standing above the city.

Lord Pendratan smiled, "Are you happy, my lord? You truely are the curse of Londaros. You sick, disgusting abomination"

The archers of Dycathion readied their bows and took aim. Their faces dark with rage.

Lord Killian looked bored, he yawned.

Lord Pendratan sighed, "You won't stop until everyone is dead, won't you? You are exacting your payment in blood." He pointed to Lord Killian, "Cursed wretch! you are a curse upon this world, you will destroy everyone in it. Your mother was a witch and a demon and she was the the sickness that----"

Killian held an empty bow, the arrow had already gone through the Lord Pendratan.

Killian rode in amidst the screams and cries of the dead lord's family. Killian did not spare them a glance. When he was little, this uncle of his had once tried to shoot an arrow through his head. His sons pelted him with rocks.

"We could have used him as hostage. What a waste." Lord Evan sighed.

"Of my time." Killian replied coolly. He scanned the city, his eyes and magic missing nothing. Then, seeing what he'd always seen, the boredom set in again.

"My lord would you like me to find all the green eyed women in the city?" Lord Evans asked, it was Killian's ritual anywhere he went. He always seemed to be looking for someone.

Lord Killian shook his head. She wasn't here, and if she had been, his men would have found her long ago. He rode his horse forward

"My lord, if it's women you desire, we can get you one." Lord Jacen offered. Lord Evan shook his head while Killian ignored him.

"How many times will it take for you to get the hint that he's not just looking for any woman" Lord Evans whispered.

Lord Jacen shrugged, worried, "But he's never looked at any of them twice. Not even when they're beautiful. He never spends more than ten words on them, and even then only when his majesty forces him to." He sighed, "Our lord is too innocent. He'll never get married this way."

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