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Tequila POV:
 Trey and I have been really strong in our relationship. It's been three months now and I really love where this is headed. Funny to think that I'm here in my room, laying in my bed, cuddled up with my cute chow chow puppy, Snooki, and I'm here making up wedding plans for me and Trey in the near future. "Tequila and Tremaine Neverson. November 28th(Trey's birthday),2014."  I laugh and smile to myself, writing this out. God, I feel like a teenager having a major crush on a celebrity. I hear a knock at the door, and I open it and it's Trey of course, with a few dozen roses in his hand with a card. "Happy 3 month anniversary! And you thought I forgot." He says with a smile and a laugh and comes in. I shut the door and I forgot that I had my "wedding book" in my hand, and of course he gets pretty nosey, so he wanted to know what it was. "What are you talking about, Trey?" "Tequila, you have your diary in your hand. Is there something that you don't want to show me?" I didn't want to tell him yet, so I told him that there's nothing that he should see, and with that being said, I just kept it under wraps in my underwear drawer. As time rolls around, I'm cooking dinner and Trey is on the phone doing businuess with his manager with shows and stuff, and he seems upset about what's going on. What I do, is just rub his back and kisses his neck softly and snuggles my face in his soft colonge smelling neck and smiles a little. He turns around, and tries to kiss me, and I just come up and kisses him, gently biting his lip. I'm so happy that I'm in his life and that he's in mine....

Nicki POV:

 It's been at least three hours that Trey has been gone. I mean, I"m here slaving over a hot stove wearing my best bra and thong for him, and what does he do? This nigga is gonna stand me up!! It's funny becuase this "Tequila" girl or whoever the hell her name is, he hardly knows her! At least with me, Lolita and Veronica he's known for awhile. The white girl, Bridigget or whoever she was he knew her for awhile too. Anyway, I just make me and the girls food and we just sat around and watched Mean Girls, while we had some people from the spa come over to do our nails! While that's getting done, I see Trey called my phone, and I answer. "Hey Daddy Trey!" I said all sexy like and smiles. I hear him moaning and groaning, and I knew that he was doing you know;) but I was wrong! I hear him talking with some girl and she sounded all out of breath too, and something told me that he was here having sex with this girl like WHY???? "TREY WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING?!?!" I say in the phone, all mad of course. "Aye babe, do that for me again. You know that I like when you do that!" He says, and I hear this girl giggling and stuff and doing whatever the hell he told her to do. I hang up the phone and walks in the bathroom and cry my eyes out. Something that I want to keep between you and me, is that...I have a huge crush on Trey, ever since day one. Now, that he has a "girl" and that he's "doing his businuess" with her just makes me feel insecure and worthless to him. I really thought that he would be the one, but I was too stupid to believe that. "Nicki, are you okay?" Lolita asked, knocking on the door. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I scream and bang hard on the door. I know my girls want to help me, but I really don't want any help. I just really want to be alone and wallow in my misery.

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