Chapter 24

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Percy didn't know what to expect from this briefing.

He leaned by a desk, crossing his arms on his chest and staring at Chiron, who was waiting for everyone to be there. Even Chris was there, so Percy realized this was going to be bigger than he thought. Piper was next to him, biting her lower lip and Percy knew there was something that couldn't be good.

"Thank you to all for coming in such short notice" Chiron started, walking around "I have gather you all, because this is the biggest mission this agency will probably have. If we succeed, this mission would have never existed, you know the rules" It was an unspoken rule, the last option for the agents to leave the room and know nothing about it. But all, including Percy, stood taller and straighter.

"Alright" Lupa took over, narrowing her eyes. Percy had always said it made her look like a wolf hunting, so Lupa started to do it more often cause she liked that comparison, apparently "Agent MadMan-"

"You changed your codename, moron?" Clarisse scowled at Chris, earning some chuckles.

"It fits me and I like it. Live with it" Chris shushed her, smirking.

"As I was saying..." Lupa continued, raising an eyebrow, but Clarisse didn't seem to mind "Agent MadMan had been retrieved a few days ago from one of Kronos' bases. Thankfully, we were lucky to bring him back from his torture-safety place and he managed to bring some vital information back to us" she allowed Chris to continue, who like Percy, had crutches.

"Kronos was boasting that he would soon have me spilling information. Luckily I didn't, but he somehow managed to get information about the New York base and he was forming a plan to attack it..." Murmurs were heard around, but nothing more "Kronos was, or is confident that he has the enough power-men to strike us there"

"When was this attack planned for?" Percy heard Frank's voice asking.

"Last he spoke about it, by the end of August. But since you guys successfully infiltrated one of his bases, I'd say... 10 days from that moment"

"That would put the attack next week" Piper counted, making Chris nod "Why that long?"

"Has a lot of people to move. But I don't think that the entire plan" The most unexpected voice spoke up, Annabeth. Everyone turned to see her, curious of why she had said so. Percy noticed how her skin was pale and her eyes red. How did he miss that before...? "Kronos captured us in San Fransisco, he knew the place well enough-"

"There's a big base in San Fransisco too" Reyna was quick in giving that information "That's how we managed get reinforcement, but... two attacks at the same time?"

"That's what I would do" she stated, looking absolutely serious. Percy smirked when several agents looked at her as if she was about to turn them around "Attack from all fronts..."

"This ain't war-"

"We are in one" Percy interrupted whoever was talking, serious "We were born in war, or are you forgetting why are we all here?" he looked around, noticing how Chiron and Lupa were silent "This man wants to rule us all... He had threatened, blackmailed and corrupted governments and people for his purpose... We got into this war the second his people decided to kill Zoë in cold blood!" Piper placed a hand on his shoulder, in a supportive action.

"Having a team standing by at San Fransisco is a logistic nightmare, yes. But, the amount of lives we could save and the time we will buy ourselves is more valuable than some calls and arguments, don't you think?" Some were grumbling, but said nothing else "We only have a couple of days, so we have to plan now if we want to win..."

"I'll coordinate with San Fransisco..." Reyna was quick into acting "Dakota and Michael owe me a favor or two..." The smile she had left no one doubts that she will achieve whatever she wanted.

"I have some designs that need some repairs..." Leo wondered, before having half the mechanics asking to help "We'll have them ready tomorrow, mi gente!"

"You two!" Clarisse pointed at Jason and Annabeth "Training in twenty minutes"

"Actually, Clarisse..." Frank beaten the Twins to reply "I need them for tactical, after all Annabeth was the one coming up with San Fransisco... guess how many wonderful ideas could be inside these brain?" he smirked at the scowl Clarisse was sporting. Percy wanted to laugh, but decided to smirk too.

"Looks like everyone has a task" Percy announced, before everyone broke away from the conference room, leaving the Twins with Piper and and him "Listen, you can help planning, but you cannot go near the action-"

"I won't get her out of my sight, I promise" Jason promised, earning a scowl from Annabeth. Percy actually felt bad for them, but something told him that those two would get in troubles again. When they left to go with Frank, Percy turned to Piper.

"What they don't know?"

"Luke is unrecoverable" she told him, serious "And they will do anything to get him back, even risking their own lives... You saw what happened in San Fransisco last time..."

"I came to the same conclusion..." he admitted, softly "I need Will's permission to train from tonight on-"

"You're not going anywhere without me again, partner" she stopped him, smirking "If you leave my sight, I will tell both to your Mom and Annabeth and let you deal with them alone" Percy winced at the threat.

"Fine! I'll behave!" he agreed "But, we need to get ready... We invaded the snake's nest to get the eggs... Now the snake is coming for us..."


Hello, guys!

Today is the day! I will post my new story and I'm wondering if you will like it just like you liked the rest of them! If you follow my profile, you'll get a notification (which means that you have to check your inboxes *whispers*). If not, do not worry, as I will give you the name of it!

I want to add that I want to dedicate this story to the beautiful iamlillyherondale , who in few days will be ending school! This story started as your birthday present, so I hope you like it! Also, to everyone who likes Solangelo (like Anushri Bhende, who loves them *wink wink*).

ANYWAY! Here we go!

Sis/Bro! Your Shadow is Hot!: 1 chapter!

The First Times: 1 chapter!

Quest: Matchmade (former collab with ReeReeWithAngst): 1 chapter!

I'll see you guys around and I hope you like my new story!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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