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"Are you sure the threat is real?" Thalia Grace was very vocal with her disgust upon this things. And, never afraid to fight back.

"After what happened to you and Luke in Venice, I rather not risk it, Thals..." her mother replied, as serious as her daughter. Thalia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and laying back on the couch, while her fiancé, Luke Castellan, wrapped an arm in comfort around her.

Meanwhile, Thalia's stepfather, Frederick Chase, looked pensive with his chin resting on his fists. If this was a deliberate attack against his family, all of them were in danger. He knew his stepdaughter could take care of herself. His main concern were his daughter Annabeth and his stepson Jason. Because of their various trips abroad work related, as soon as the teens turned sixteen, they begged to leave them alone in their Californian home. Frederick feared for the kids.

"Beryl, you and I can't stop our activities because of a threat" He saw his wife open her mouth in protest, but he raised an hand "Let me finish, please... We'll be with bodyguards 24/7, but I'm more worried about Annabeth and Jason"

"They won't like you to pull them away from their life..." Luke commented, making Thalia snort. Both knew the real face of the teens, though none of them would say a word. They don't know how really bad were they.

"I won't. I'll assign them bodyguards"

"Even worst!" Thalia snapped, almost laughing "Get prepared to river of fake cries and accusations of none trust!"

"I won't back from this, Thalia. I don't care what they say" Thalia knew her stepfather was a person slow to anger. When he set his foot down, he set his foot down. Not even her with her rebel personality could make him change his mind.

"When will they know?" Beryl Grace-Chase was a world-known actress, awarded by her talent and recognised for her charitable work all over the world. Her only weakness, besides her husband, were her kids.

"I plan to fly tonight to California to talk to them" Frederick announced, serious again "But, I won't be flying to see them alone" Cue to this, he pulled out some folders with files, leaving them on the table they were surrounding. As a cover, each folder had the face of a person "When I was contact with the first threat, Chiron, the man that runs the agency we hired to protect us, gave me an alternative for the kids... I didn't want to consider it until I knew this was action and not words..." While he was talking, Thalia had snatched the folders from the table and read them.

"This agents are the twins' age!" Because of their age and similar features, Thalia had baptised Annabeth and Jason as 'The Twins'. Luke, reading over her shoulder, was more impress by their merits.

"First agents of their generation... high top students... graduated from high school at 10?!" Frederick nodded at his soon step-son-in-law.

"I want them to follow in every aspect, which also includes the school and bathroom breaks, unfortunately..."

"So, I imagine this, um... Piper McLean would follow Annabeth around?" Thalia like what she saw "10 bucks says she'll end up dating Jason within a month!"

"Thalia!" Beryl scolded her daughter. Not because she didn't think her son would like the girl, but because of her outburst.

"Make it 3 weeks!" Luke was known for always teasing Thalia and one wondered how was their secret for the dating.

"Can we just focus on the problem?" Beryl wanted everyone to keep talking rather than to make bets.

"I'll give 10 to Annabeth and fellow, um... Percy Jackson? Wait, Jackson?" Luke repeated, surprised.

"You know him?" Frederick was eager to know, specially, if Luke recognised the name.

"My father worked with his... I met him in a few occasions..." Luke admitted, looking at the picture "He has grown since I last saw him..." The picture indeed showed someone who had grown out of his kids' days.

"Here it says that he's loyal, one of his many attributes..." Thalia read outloud "10 in two months!"

"Make it a month and we have a deal!" Luke shook his fiancée's hand, smirking.

"Will we meet these people, Frederick?" Beryl wasn't going to allow some strangers to look after her kids without her consent.

"We'll meet them in a couple of hours, though Chiron assured me than they're more than capable of doing the job..."

"McLean... That names rings the bell to me..." Beryl mumbled to herself "She'll tells us, probably..."

Knock, knock, knock!

A maid went to open quickly the door and a couple of teens walked in, dressed in formal suit for work. Even when the Grace-Chase family had the pictures in front of them, they recognised they didn't make them justice.

The girl was obviously a Native-American's descendent. Her brownish skin was flawless, and was slightly more light than her hair. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses that she took off the second he was inside, showing off her kaleidoscopes' eyes. She was wearing a simple black suit with a white shirt. Her attitude was very cautious, looking around.

The guy was more serious. He was also wearing sun glasses, but he took a bit longer to take them off. When he did, he showed off sparkling sea-green eyes. His messy black hair was longer than usual for men, but it fitted his lightly tan skin good. Like his companion, he was wearing a suit with white shirt, very professional.

"Mr. and Mrs. Chase?" the girl asked. Her voice was very melodious, as if she was compelling people with her voice.

"Yes. My stepdaughter Thalia and her fiancée, Luke Castellan"

"I'm Piper McLean and this is my partner, Percy Jackson" she introduced them.

"What's the mission?" the guy wondered, his voice calm and deep.

"Our teenager kids, Annabeth Chase and Jason Grace"


Happy New Year, guys!

I cannot believe we're at 2018 already! Every time, a new year starts, it blows my mind and I get philosophical about it. Trust me, I'm sure those of you who aren't in school already know what I'm talking about. Besides, I want to think 2018 will bring good things to us! #PositiveThoughts

I want to thank the people who voted in my survey! Obviously, the results will be reflected in my posting from now on, so I think is about your like, so let's get into the stories already!

Rise of Ouranos: an A/N with its explanation for the rewritting.

Rise of Ouranos (ReWrite): 1 chapter (no spelling mistakes). It's the rewritting of my former collab with LordNitro (trying to fix the holes and stuff)

Sis/Bro, Your Shadow is Hot!: 1 chapter (name can change. Better ideas? Give and you'll receive credit, but not money!)

Maidenhood: 1 chapter. An adoption from TheColorofTheBoom. It has a proper A/N in the first chapter.

Masked Hearts: 1 chapter. An old collab with Hugs6. Octachel.

Quest: Matchmade: 1 chapter. Another old collab with Hugs6. Also Octachel

I hope you all guys are having a happy year so far!

xoxo, SilverHuntresses

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