The She Wolf - chpt. 1

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*Eventually this story intertwines with my other story: Rejected, Replaced & Forgotten. If you have read RRF, read on with ease. If you have no interest in RRF, read on with ease. If you are currently reading RRF or plan to, I would suggest finishing first just in case! 

Thank you for reading! 

* * * 

The She Wolf

Chapter one

            "Tally! Bring me a blanket!" I span on my heel and did as my father asked. I ran through the dark forest and came to his side. I kneeled and passed him the blanket; watching him as he wrapped it around the fragile body in front of him.

            "Daddy? What's wrong with it?"

            My dad turned to me, his expression unreadable in the darkness. "It was shot, by hunters." My dad turned back to the wolf in front of him and shook his head, "A shame my darling, but we can save him. They've only nicked his leg."

            My dad and I carried the wounded wolf back to our home on the edge of the forest. My mother met us there; she was stony faced as we laid the wolf on our kitchen table. My mother got her kit and started to work at once, she was no stranger to wounded animals.

            I watched for hours as my mother removed the bullet and stitched up the wolf's leg. She was focused, completely lost in her task. This is why she surprised me by talking, "Are you watching, Tally?"

            I nodded vigorously, "Yes, mother."

            She turned to me, her dark eyes sparkling, "I know you are young, my darling girl. But you must learn. You will have to do this one day. Do you understand?"

            "I will have to take care of the wolves?"

            My mother sanitized the wolf's leg and nodded, "Yes, there are people who wish to harm them. It will be your job to save them."

            "Why do they want to harm the wolves?" I dug my small fingers into the wolf's dark brown fur and frowned, my twelve year old mind could not comprehend.

            "They fear them, my darling. And men kill what they fear."

            I frowned, "But they do not know them!"

            My mother sighed and started to clean up her kit. The wolf laying on my kitchen table had been sedated as soon as she was brought in and was out cold. I continued to pet the wolf, already growing fond of it.

            "I know, but not all men know them like we do. I've lived near these woods since I was a child, my father and his father before him all worked with the wolves. And no matter how much we try to tell them, the men in the cities just don't understand."

            "I will make them understand," I squeaked.

            My mother kissed my head, "I know you will, Tally. Now, up to bed. It's nearly four in the morning and you have school tomorrow."

            "But mom, I can't go to school, not now. The wolf needs me."

            My mother's face was stern, "The wolf is not a pet, Tally. She will recuperate just fine without you."

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