Innocence Meets Brute

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I never knew the city could look so beautiful right at sunrise. It's now Monday morning and I must report to Bridgewater facilities at 8 AM. Nervous would be an understatement as to what I'm actually feeling. I tossed and turned throughout the night anxious to whom my first patient would be. Nice and regretful...I highly doubt it but who doesn't love a challenge.

I put on my best business suit as to impress the Warden that he has selected his best choice. It was a navy blue blazer/skirt set and a crisp white, collared button up shirt. I adjusted myself one more time in the mirror before heading out and getting into my car.

Logging into the GPS, the address wouldn't even come baffled me. "What the heck is wrong with this address?" I looked it over a numerous amount of times to find not one flaw in it. As soon as I was about to give up, my phone rings loudly in my car causing me to jump.

"Meet at Central Park and  flash lights when arrived." 

The unknown caller sounded pretty stern and very short with me. I did as I was told and headed in that direction.

Upon arriving, I looked at the time as it was now a little after 7:30 AM...I only had about 30 mins to get there as I rolled my eyes in frustration. Everything looked normal as no one but a few hobos and joggers took over areas of the park. I flashed my lights as there were too many cars for me to pinpoint who I was exactly looking for.

Out of nowhere, a large SUV approached my vehicle making it look like a small fry. Two large men sat in the front of the car and told me to follow them. They confiscated my phone and anything else that could track my location.

"What the hell is really going on?" I asked myself as I followed the proper instructions scared of what would happen if I didn't. After about 20 odd mins of driving, I was on a dirt road leading to a huge mansion. I'm sure this isn't where I'll be working but probably the home belonging to the Warden.

Standing outside of the beautiful home stood who I assume is Mr. Bridgewater with one other man I wasn't too sure about. We parked our cars once we entered the gated area. As I stepped out, a huge grin appeared on Mr. Bridgewater's face so I decided to return it with a slight nerves.

"Well hello there! You must be Ms.Valentine."

After I gulped hard, I finally found the words to speak. "Hello Mr. Bridgewater, it's a pleasure to be working for you Sir."

"Call me Frank darling," he said as he grabbed my hand to kiss it. I don't know if it's appropriate for him to do so but talk about uncomfortable. He is my boss and it's my first day, so why not behave for the moment. I might be shy and reserved by I have boundaries. My father made sure that I knew self-defense and trained just in case something "happened." But, I never knew what could possibly happen as my father never shown any signs of danger in what he did for a living.

He guides me into his home and what looks to be his Study. I sit down as he pulls the seat out for me and makes his way to the large office chair.

"So Ms. Valentine or can I call you, Sapphire?" I look up at him from my glasses...seriously?

"Ms. Valentine is just fine, Sir." I hope he didn't notice the bit of sarcasm in my voice.

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