Rooftop Dancing

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Chapter 3-

Maiko’s POV

It was four a.m. when I woke up. I looked outside the window from where I was and saw a clear night, better yet is was a full moon. I got up and stretched, I was known for getting up extremely early, because I slept really early. I would normally sleep at around 7 or 8 waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning. I like this time of night, there was no one outside; the world was at its most peaceful. Checking to make sure both Haruhi and Ranka were asleep, I slipped outside, using the window, still in my pajamas I scaled the wall of the apartment building, until I got to the roof.

Up on the roof top I took out my phone, I was doing what I called rooftop dancing. Who was I, I was a dancer, singer, and artist, I expressed my self through anything I could when I wasn’t on a job. When I was on a job, well then I had a façade, one no one could break through. Even now though, I had on a façade, one of a mischievous, and nice person, its best if only my master knew the real me.

So during the wee hours of the morning I let go of my inhibitions, I let go of my façade, I let go of all the hurt and pain I go through everyday knowing that people were hurt by me. I let go of all that and I was just me, not Maiko but, Kurochi Maiko Suzuki, a young teenage girl who could let go.

There was a reason my name is Maiko, meaning dancing child, I danced in the dark of the night. Outside when there was no one outside, when people were deeply into there dreams, I danced. I put my play list of songs on shuffle.  I may not play insturments or sing anymore, but god knows I couldn’t live without my music, it is my life, the only thing that keeps me sane. I turned the volume up so I could hear it even with the wind whistling in my ear. I then stuck my phone in my pocket, because when I dance I don’t stay on one rooftop, I jump from rooftop to rooftop reveling in the silence of everything but my music, getting lost within myself and finally being able to let go.  Then the first song came on as I got ready on the tips of my toes. I’ll have you know I danced ballet, jazz, and lyrical each giving off there on vibe. The song “Miss Independent” by Kelly Clarkson came on.

Miss independent

Miss self-sufficient

Miss keep your distance

Miss unafraid

Miss out of my way

Miss don't let a man interfere, no

Miss on her own

Miss almost grown

Miss never let a man help her off her throne

So, by keeping her heart protected

She'd never ever feel rejected

Little miss apprehensive

Said ooh, she fell in love

Dancing a mixture of jazz and ballet I danced. Leaping and pirouetting from rooftop to rooftop, I listened to the music, telling me to sing. Even now the music called to me, but I resisted, I only sang to my mother and father when I visited their graves. I only sang to my father on White Day to ask for forgiveness, why you ask, because that is the day I killed him.  Because they are buried in different cemeteries, I visit my mother on the day she died as well, New Years Eve. Ironic, it was the end of the year, and it was also the end for her.

What is the feelin' takin' over?

Thinkin' no one could open my door

Surprise...It's time

To feel what's real

What happened to Miss Independent?

No more the need to be defensive

Goodbye, old you

When love is true

Misguided heart

Miss play it smart

Miss if you want to use that line you better not start, no

But she miscalculated

She didn't want to end up jaded

And this miss decided not to miss out on true love

So, by changing her misconceptions

She went in a new direction

And found inside she felt a connection

She fell in love.

What is the feelin' takin' over?

Thinkin' no one could open my door (open my door)

Surprise...It's time (yeah)

To feel what's real

What happened to Miss Independent?

No more the need to be defensive

Goodbye (goodbye), old you (oh you)

When love, when love is true

When Miss Independence walked away

No time for love that came her way

She looked in the mirror and thought today

What happened to miss no longer afraid?

It took some time for her to see

How beautiful love could truly be

No more talk of why can't that be me

I'm so glad I finally feel...

What is the feelin' takin' over?

Thinkin' no one could open my door

Surprise (surprise), it's time (yeah)

To feel (to feel) what's real

What happened to Miss Independent?

No more the need to be defensive

Goodbye (goodbye), old you

When love, when love is true...

After the song, I laughed bitterly, there is no way on hell I would ever fall in love, or anyone ever fall in love with me. Sure they would feel lust or even have a crush, but no one would ever love me. At least no one will ever love the real me, the me who dances atop of the rooftops, the girl who is the true me. Not even the master knows the real me. To him I was his robot, his maid, and his follower, but I don’t regret joining him, because now I am free to live.

I danced to several songs, all the way until dawn. I leaped back to the roof of Haruhi’s apartment and sat down to watch the sunrise. I watched the town below me awake. I smelt fresh bread baking, and people greeting each other, I saw children walking to get to school, and I let the sounds, smells, and sights wash over me giving me peace, before putting on my façade once again.

Before long Haruhi finds me on the roof, “You can always use the door, not the window.”

“I like the window,” I said before getting up and leaving down the stairs. Haruhi understood that people had secrets, and thankfully she didn’t pry.

I looked up at the sky and prayed for the one thing that had been eluding me for my entire life, just a little bit of happiness.

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